Chapter 2

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I walk to the back grabbing the first aid kit with one hand, holding the other close to my chest. I hand the man the first aid kit and jump on the counter behind me so he can begin inspecting my hand. He grabs my hand lightly wiping blood from a cut with his thumb and starts pressing on the knuckles.

"My name is Y/N" I say awkwardly trying to break the silence between us.

"I'm Bob" he smiles quickly at me before grabbing some alcohol pads from the first aid kit. "Your hand doesn't seem to be broken." he finishes ripping the pads open.

I look at Bob concentrated on my hand gently wiping it clean. The alcohol on my cut began to sting, I sucked in air through my teeth and slightly pulled my hand back in response. "Sorry" Bob looks up at me with concern "didn't mean to hurt you" his eyes locked on mine. They were full of kindness, anyone could tell he had a beautiful soul just by looking at him; almost like he was too pure for this world.

"How did you even know I needed help out there? Were you stalking me or something?" I ask playfully trying to get more information from him. Breaking eye contact Bob looked down focusing back on my hand, removing the rings from my hand. "I-uh well, I guess I was watching you all night." he replies nervously placing my rings on the counter.

Bob looked back at me and blushed before rummaging through the first aid kit again "And when I saw that guy follow you around and then out back I figured I should check it out. He seemed pretty drunk." Finally after finding a small bandaid Bob looks back up to me nervously.

"Well I appreciate your help but I had it handled" I say to Bob trying to sound confident. I didn't want him thinking I was some helpeless girl. I didn't want him to take pity on me or think that because he swooped in to save me, that made him worthy of my time.

Bob placed the bandaid on my cut knuckle and let out a breathless laugh "No offense but it didn't really seem like it to me". Bob grabbed the wrappers and threw them in the garbage can behind him "I mean, I'm sure you would have handled yourself just fine, you kind of broke the guys nose" he says finally facing me.

I grab my rings and put them back on my hand "Yeah" I smiled slightly "I guess I should thank you for helping me out and all" jumping off the counter I put the first aid kit away and walked to the freezer for some ice.

"Well... we could call it even if maybe you, say owe me a favor?" Bob asks crossing his arms leaning against the door, starting to feel more confident.

Looking at him confused I reply "Owe you a favor? For keeping a drunk guy from attacking me?" walking over to him placing the bag of ice on my hand I look back at him. "I don't normally praise guys for accomplishing the bare minimum".

Biting his bottom lip Bob begins to reply "Oh not for the saving you, for fixing your hand". Bob began to smirk confidently "I saved you a long and expensive trip to the ER, that should count for something".

"And just what would this favor be?" I ask walking closer to Bob trying to intimidate him to see if his confidence would fade.

"Ahh just something simple, nothing to worry about" Bob shrugs.

"Okay well I guess it is only fair" I say walking past him threw the door. He follows me back to the front where I stop just before the bar. "It was nice meeting you Bob, I guess I'll be seeing you around?".

Not so confidently this time he replies "Yeah I wish it could have been under better circumstances. But I guess I'll catch you later" he looks at me blushing slightly. I could tell he was nervous because we were in front of a large crowd and all his friends. Honestly it was pretty cute how nervous it made him.

"Okay well I have to get back to work, bye Bob" I wink at him before walking over to Penny. "Bye Y/N" he smiles before returning to his friends that are now around the piano. They were all singing great balls of fire, turning to Penny I saw her looking out the window. Looks like she kicked out Maverick, serves her right with everything he's put her through. "Hey I'm going to head home now" breaking her focus she looks back at me.

"What happened to your hand?" she motions to my hand trying to grab it. I pull my hand behind my back "Oh just punched out another drunk" trying to brush off the situation "Just make sure to keep Big John from coming back here" I leave before she could ask anymore questions.

Before walking out of the Bar I looked over at Bob with his friends

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Before walking out of the Bar I looked over at Bob with his friends. He was singing along with those around him and I couldn't help but see a beautiful girl next to him. They started singing to each other, Bob looked back catching me starting. I tried to replace the concerned look on my face with a smile, failing I just rushed out the door to my car.


The pain in my hand went down after I took some painkillers, I was now back at home in bed trying to fall asleep but I couldn't stop thinking about Bob. I know I just meet him a few hours ago but there was something about him that was so captivating.

I gently rubbed the bandaid he put on my knuckle remembering what his skin felt like on my own. His hand were soft and gentle, he was so careful not to hurt me as if he was holding a porcelain doll. Rolling over to my other side trying to distract myself from my thoughts, I let out a big sigh.

Why did I care so much about him being friends with another woman. It's not like they were together, were they? Just because he talks to a woman doesn't mean he's automatically interested in them. Well then does that mean he's not interested in me? Ugh why do I care so much if he's interested in me or not? It's not like I have a major crush on this guy or something.


Feeling defeated I head to the kitchen for a glass of water. I see Penny walking to the door through the kitchen window and I open it for her. "Hey you're still up?" she asks me walking in and closing the door behind her.

"Yeah couldn't sleep" I reply taking another sip of water. Looking over to me she asks "didn't have anything to do with tonight did it?"

Confused I say "what do you mean?" trying to play off tonights events.

"Oh well Bob Floyd came up to me after you left and told me what happened" Penny continued getting herself a glass of water "he was worried because he saw you leaving and wanted to make sure you were okay" smirking at me she waits for my response.

Looking down at the glass in my hand I blushed a little "Well I guess he's just a good guy like that" looking back at her "Its late, I'm gonna go back to bed, night" I say walking back to my room.

Bob asked if I was okay? Why would he care, maybe it was because he saw me looking jealous before I left? Well not jealous I just met the guy, I can't be jealous. It's not like I'm dating and even if I  were... no. It doesn't matter because I don't like Bob okay he's just another guy.


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