Chapter 1: A Universe imprisoned

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A darkness shrouded the area, the sound of cold water dripping from the city above. Glowing gold eyes looked up towards the ceiling, towards a small window in which these eyes could look out. The eyes belonged to a woman with crimson hair, darkened with the dirt and muck from her cell. Her once milky white skin now covered with the dirt of years gone by. She stared towards the small barred window, seeing the sun shine orange and reflecting off of the silver tree tops, creating the illusion of fire in the breeze. The woman sighed, closing her eyes as a sliver of the breeze raced through the large and barren cell. She watched as the second sun rose, illuminating the large cell slightly. In the center of the large room was where the large cage sat. The woman sat in the middle of the cage on the cold cement floor, a dirty cloak placed over her shoulders. There was a toilet in the far back left corner, along with a sink. In the far right, there was a small bed made of hay and feathers, a blanket draped over it with a pillow that had seen better years. The cell itself was made completely of sold bars, made with an unknown material, and with no door's of which to see. Aside from the cell, there was nothing in the large cement room, only a small stair case in the corner of the room which lead up to freedom and sunlight.

The woman continued to stare out of the window, watching as a bird rested on one of the silver trees. This was what she would do everyday. She would wake up from her cold bed to move to the center of the cell, watch the midnight sky come to live with a burnt orange hue, and continue to watch the day pass. Occasionally, she would a have a visitor, one that would ask her many questions, none of which she responded too. Then, when the day came to a close, she would mark the passage of time down on the cement floor. Thinking of her passage of time, she looked to the floor. she looked in and around the cage, where she could reach, seeing the many, many, tally marks adorning the floor. "4 thousand, Nine hundred and seventy two....years..." The woman muttered, her voice cracking slightly from not using it in a while. She stared at the floor a moment, before her focus was broken. She glanced up towards the stairs, seeing sunlight seep down into her cold world. She momentarily closed her eyes, soaking in as much sun as she could before opening her eyes again. 

A shadow stood in the door frame, but not one that she was familiar with. It was smaller than the shadows she had grown accustom too. The little shadow descended the stairs slowly after closing the door behind her. The woman blinked, seeing a beautiful hue of orange bobbing down the stairs. It was a small girl, with freckles that looked as though an artist splashed them across a canvas. She had pale skin that was slightly red from the sunlight. Her eyes were what caught the woman's attention however. A bright crystal blue against the darkness, full of curiosity and adventure. "H-Hello?" the girl asked, stepping closer towards the cage. The woman merely tilted her head, inspecting the girl as she continued forward. "I-I know you're down here. I heard the adults talking about you...How you have answers that no one else knows. Secrets that even the elders don't know..." the girl stuttered, holding her hands close to her small form. 

The woman remained silent, watching as the girl got closer towards the cage, closer than the adults had ever gotten before. "I just....I want to know where my real parents are..." The girl said, her voice barely above a whisper. The woman straightened her poster, even more curious about the girl. The woman was never asked this question before, it was always "how did you create the universe?" or "Were are you from?" but never about one's parents.   The sudden movement startled the girl, causing her to step back. "What is you're name, little one?" The woman asked, staring at the girl with her golden eyes. "M-my name is Ira...Iradessa..." The small girl said, stepping forwards with a new found courage. The woman smiled, inching closer towards the bars. "Ira...what is your last name?" The woman asked, tilting her head to the side. "I..I don't know..." Ira muttered, kneeling down in front of the bars.

"So you want to know who you're parents are...Take my hand, and we'll find out together." The woman smiled, slowly reaching her pale slender hand through the bars. Ira stared at the woman for a moment before taking a deep breath. She grabbed the woman's hand, feeling a heat shoot up her arm. She feel a new kind of energy she never felt before, one that made her feel like she could run for miles. "Iradessa...Tyler. That is your last name...and your parents....Quite the couple...You're mother is Rose Marion for your father... that is a bit more difficult." The woman said, letting go of Ira's hand. Ira stared at the woman, her heart beating fast as tears welled up in her eyes. "A-and...why did they leave me?" Ira asked, bringing her hand back towards her chest. "She didn't leave you were taken, from what I gathered." The woman said, tearing a piece of her cloak off and offering it to Ira. Ira took the cloth and wiped her eyes. After a moment of silence, Ira looked towards the woman again, her eyes shining in curiosity once again. "Who are you? and why are you locked up?" Ira asked, plopping down in front of the cell bars. "I am a powerful being, the one that created this universe and guided it until my imprisonment. I am the moon and the stars and the sun. I am the universe itself." The woman said, smiling at the young girl.

"But what is your name?" Ira asked, tilting her head. "I have many names. Star destroyer, The creator, The raging lightening. However, I do not have a name that is similar to yours." The woman smiled, leaning close to the bars. "Why don't you give me one?" The woman finished, waiting for the girls response. Ira stared for a moment before lighting up. "How about Scarlet! Because your hair is as red as a Scarlet rose!" Ira beamed, causing the woman to smile. "I love it. Scarlet it is." Scarlet smiled, patting Ira's head through the bars. "So you're the universe? why are you locked up then?" Ira asked, tilting her head slightly. "Because the adults fear me and the power I hold." Scarlet said, reaching her hand out through the bars, her palm up towards the ceiling. Within the blink of an eye, a small scale of the universe was floating around the dark room. Illuminated planets, stars, and solar systems raced around the room, causing Ira to stand up and stare in awe. "Grown ups are dumb then. If you created the universe, they you should be let free!" Ira beamed, turning back to look at Scarlet.

Scarlet smiled, closing her hand and causing the small universe to disappear. "It's been a long time since I've heard those words." Scarlet breathed, stretching slightly. "Someone else wanted you free too?" Ira asked, looking at Scarlet. "Yes.. a young boy. However that was years ago." Scarlet breathed, standing up and cracking her bones. "I have no real reason to leave however. So I'm content staying here." The woman said, looking down at Ira. "You need a reason to leave?" Ira asked, tapping her small chin. "Well, what about if you help me explore the universe you made! Who better to be my guide!" Ira said, her smile widening. Scarlet grinned, her golden eyes flashing mischievously. "You want me to be your companion through the stars then?" Scarlet asked, grabbing the bars of her cell. "Yeah!" Ira said, watching Scarlet. "Alright then. How does this sound? When you are a teenager, come back to me and we'll go exploring. Deal?" Scarlet asked, stretching her hand out through the bars once more. Ira nodded excitedly, taking Scarlet's hand and shaking it. "Deal!" Ira said as the door above the stares busted open.

Ira turned to see several adults barreling down the stares, one of them scooping Ira up and away from Scarlet. "what did she say to you?! What did you say to her?!" One of the adults asked, frantically checking Ira. When they got to her wrist, they froze. "I claimed that Timelord child as my own. We'll be leaving on her 1600th birthday." Scarlet stated simply before showing her wrist, a small glowing hour glass on her wrist. "We made a deal." Scarlet smiled sweetly, Causing Ira to look at her own wrist. There, on the inside of her wrist, was a small, glowing blue hour glass. Ira smiled and showed Scarlet her wrist, causing the adults to whisk her away. "You are not taking that child. She's our key to getting out of here and you are not stopping us, Creator." One of the adults said, glaring at Scarlet. "She gave me a name. It's Scarlet now. Oh, and how I would love to see you try." Scarlet hummed before sitting back down in the center of her cell, staring back up towards the window with a smile.

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