Eddie we are here for you

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《No ones Pov》

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《No ones Pov》

"Thank god, you are ok!" Dustin chimed up, patting Eddie on the shoulder, "How do we know it's not Eddie, he still could be-" Nancy shut up as her eyes trail to Y/n, who was quick to speak, "It's not him...trust me...I've---seen the body...I know who's done this." Y/n spoke her eyes not daring to meet anyone as she turned to stare at Eddie, and trot closer to him.

"So...is it...something else?" Nancy slowly asked out, using the term something else for an upside-down monster. "It's One." Two roughly spoke, Y/n flinched at the name, even though she seemed to be on rather good terms with...One, she couldn't really forgive him, he killed all those kids...innocent but corrupted by papa's sickening mind.

Steve stared at Y/n and then at Two and Eleven, "So, three of them...?" Steve slowly asked, earning a suddenly smack on the back of his head by Robin, "Yes Steve, Three super-powered maniacs, so I would avoid insulting them, I really don't wanna have nightmares tonight! Oh God, I just called them maniacs...-They're not gonna kill me right? Cause I really don't wanna die!!" Robin took a deep breath and gave an awkward smile at them.

"Nice..outfit." Nancy spoke up to her brother Mike, with giving a small nod, "Yeah, it's definitely different, almost thought you were some type of stranger!" Dustin joked, even though it was evident he didn't like the change around him.

"So...how did you guys find, me--us-?" Eddie slowly asked out, not expecting Lucas to appear from the front door, "Yeah, I had a feeling you were here.." Lucas slowly spoke out, as Eddie glared at him for being a part of the basketball team of assholes who were literally hunting him.

"Child, Dude...Eddie, I'm not actually with them, I thought I was...until they- Turn out to be a bunch of pricks, and surprisingly the actually nice person was Max's brother...." Lucas slowly spoke out, looking towards the door, to reveal Max holding three slushies, She gave one to Lucas and then went over to Y/n.

"I thought, maybe you would need it, with all that's going on...I got blood red..." Max slightly laughed at her own choice that she got while handing it to Y/n. Y/n carefully inspected the slushie before taking a large sip from the straw, feeling surprised at the cold flavor.

Y/n had a smile on her cheeks while speaking, letting her accent slightly break apart, "Thank you!" Her Transylvania accent slightly slipped through, causing her face to flush. Eddie looked shocked so did Steve as he walked forward, "That's--Why are you hiding your accent?" Steve curiously asked as Y/n looked at her feet in shame.

"I've been belittled for my accent my entire life..." Y/n slowly let her Transylvania accent ripple out as she spoke, not feeling comfortable with hiding it from her friends. "Even Papa said it...was distasteful to hear..." Y/n slowly spoke, revealing that.

Eleven flared up slightly causing a bulb to pop in the process. "Eleven..." Two warned, also feeling angered but didn't want to ruin anything around all of them.

"I think it's badass!" Eddie spoke up, tugging onto your waist, to pull you into his chest slightly, as Steve spoke in response, "Yeah, it's actually pretty cool to hear." Steve encouraged, giving Robin the room to speak.

"So like you're from Transylvania?! That's so fucking cool, I've always wanted to go, wait---are you like the female version of Dracula- Please tell me you lived in a fucking castle because I've always wanted to live in a castle or at least walk around in one--!" Robin strutted over, tugging on Y/n's hands closely to admire her vampiric features, which consisted of her red eyes blaring into her own.

Y/n giggled at this while speaking, "Well..I did live in a castle...before the mob kind of overrides me... and well...kicked me out, wanting to burn me on a stake alive....." Y/n's voice slightly trailed off, as her face ran cold at the memory.


Y/n's red eyes glossed over the glowing crowd illuminating the night sky with their torches and pitch forks.

"I'm afraid I do not understand..." Y/n yelled out to the crowd as they had thrown insults at her, "I saved your children! I nursed them back to health!!" Y/n screamed out her voice slightly broken from the emotions bubbling up in her throat.

One of the various mothers of the children spoke up, "We never asked for your help you MONSTER! My baby told me of the horrors in your castle, she said you gave her your wretched demon blood to heal her!!!" The woman screamed, holding a pitchfork in her free hand while her other was occupied by her frightened daughter.

"N-No Mowmmy! S-She Heulped me!" The child who seemed to be around the age of 7 whined, and stuttered while loads of tears galloped down her chubby cheeks.

"SHE CAST A SPELL ON OUR CHILDREN TO MAKE IT SEEM LIKE SHE IS SOME TYPE OF HEAVENLY CREATURE!!!" The man in the growled and roared with anger raising his torch high in the air.

"KILL THE BEAST!" One yelled.

"SLAUGHTER HER!" Another screamed in anger.

"BURN HER IN THE SUN SO SHE SHALL BE CLEANSED BY GOD!" screeching and yelling, they didn't stop not even for a second as Y/n cried tears of blood at this betrayal.

Why? Why was this happening? She never harmed an innocent, she killed rapists, murderers, and much more, she helped the town, and she protected the town, from those monsters shredded in disguise among them.

She saved them from the guards of a vicious noble who wanted to sell them as slaves, to use them as cattle for Noble rich man.

All she wanted was to help them, to show them she wasn't a monster, to show them she wasn't going to harm them or their children. She just wanted to help!

Y/n's eyes gleamed red with hatred and anger, as she rose up from the balcony and stood there, beaming down at all of them.

"I am giving you a chance to go, to leave the grounds of my castle.." Y/n warned looking at the adults and then at the children. "You will all die, the children will be spared, but no Man or Woman who has spewed hatred and threats against me shall live!" Y/n told, waiting for some of them to leave, any of them, she waited.

She waited until another one opened their shitty-filled, mouth and insulted.

Blood spewed, on the grounds and coated the outsides of the walls of the castle. Pools of blood speckling upon their scared children. Y/n left some teens alive, as she peered down at the mostly dead crowd with a look of no remorse on her face, emotionless as she looked at the ones she kept alive.

"Leave, no one...and I mean no one shall ever come back, do you understand? If you do, you too shall die." Y/n stated, raising her hand to her face while wiping the blood off, and letting it enter her mouth as she licked it off her hand.

The teens and children bobbed their heads, as they held traumatized faces.


Y/n was brought back to reality as Eddie shook her shoulder slightly, "Something the matter??" He gently whispered as she shook her head.

"Alright...whats the plan?"

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