Eddie Eddie, Eddie

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A/n: There is a small sex scene in this chapter lol,

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A/n: There is a small sex scene in this chapter lol,

《No ones Pov》

Eddie's eyes rolled back as he let out a groan, his veiny hand gripped Y/n's hair, and his face was full of ecstasy and pleasure. The sloppy and wet slurping could be heard from just right below Eddie's waist.

Y/n was sucking his cock dry, of course without the usage of blood, Y/n's mouth was full of his hard length, so every time she did speak it would send vibrates on Eddie's cock, causing his moans to get breath and louder.

The vampiress pulls away from his cock which was covered in saliva and precum. As she pulled away Eddie let out a groan of dismay. "Why'dd you stoppp~" Eddie slurred out drunk from pleasure as Y/n gave him a sinister grin.

Her hands suddenly started to trace up his thigh as she licked her sharp fangs, before biting into his thigh to get a bit of blood. Eddie's hand shook, taking a sharp inhale. Once Y/n stopped drinking blood, she lifted her gaze to Eddie's face, giving him a small smile.

Y/n lifted herself off the floor as she sat her body on Eddie's naked lower half, she rubbed herself against his hard length teasingly, before stopping as she heard something outside.

 Focusing on her hearing she got off Eddie, "Get dressed! People are looking for you!" Y/n whispered out, much to Eddie's extreme sexual frustration and dismay. "It---Won't go down!" Eddie whisper yelled, motioning toward his cock.

Y/n speeded over to Eddie, her hand making its way over to his cock, Suddenly he shot out cum while looking at Y/n in disbelief.

"I jerked you off with superspeed." Eddie's cock was beginning to soften from the lack of attention, "With...super...speed?" Eddie was at a loss, while he tried not to laugh.

Y/n rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest, "Just go hide! It seems like there is a group...fuck...." Y/n cursed as Eddie bobbed his head, putting his pants on and scurrying into a nearby storage closet, his eyes set on Y/n with worry.

"Eddie! You freak, we know you're in there!!" Jason's voice rang out in roughness. Y/n stood by the door tilting her head before opening it, Jason nearly fell into her arms from the unexpected event.

Jason stared at you, he looked as if he hasn't been getting any sleep because of his bloodshot eyes, either that or he was on drugs, which you doubted because you couldn't smell any on him.

"Lucas?" You asked out, turning towards him, he was behind Jason, "Do--I uh, know you?" Lucas asked out, a slight fluttering blush on his cheeks from the beautiful woman calling his name. You turned your head towards Jason quickly analyzing the situation, Lucas's friends hung out with Eddie, and Lucas hung out with Jason and his crew, meaning if you did say anything about Lucas's friends that you knew, he would get in trouble and probably get beat up, which wouldn't all in your favor.

Lucas was just hanging around the wrong people, and you didn't want to hurt him further so you just shook your head and made up a lie. "It's nothing, I mean your pretty popular for winning the basketball game," Y/n spoke, Lucas, letting out a sigh of relief.

"What are you doing here...Y/n? Is maybe Eddie with you?" Jason's voice was much softer than before, his voice was however slightly hoarse from all the yelling he has been doing.

Y/n let out a sigh, "No...Eddie is my---friend, but I have no idea where he is...even I am at a loss...I'm staying here because we...lived together, but now..I don't know where he is.." Y/n easily lied, while suddenly looking at Jason's other friends.

"You really need to take better care of your friend, he seems to be having trouble sleeping, I know  a good remedy!" Y/n faked her cheery voice, one of Jason's friends speaking up, "Why the hell should we trust a little evil bitch like you?" One growled out, earning a quick glare from Jasons, as well as Lucas.

Jason slowly entered in some more, trying to tower over you with a gaze of lust. "It's in the kitchen...I'll go get it, stay here, and don't enter any further...after all, I am a lady alone in a house..." Y/n grumbled out, rushing to the kitchen without using her superspeed.

he grabbed a random coffee mug and filled it up halfway with water, before biting into her wrist and tearing her skin open. Y/n spilled her blood in the water, tinting it a crimson color. Y/n walked back into the living room and then to the front door.

"Here!" Y/n hissed out, hoping they could leave, she heard Eddie's quickened heartbeat and didn't want him to be frightened any longer.

Jason eagerly took the bloodied water believing it to be some type of sleeping remedy. "Are you really going to trust the scary bitch, Jason?" Another one of his friends asked out, "Shut the fuck up Andy!" Jason yelled, before turning back towards Y/n.

"Thank you," He whispered, "If you hear, or see anything about Eddie, let me know, okay? I won't let that asshole kill another person, especially not you." Jason patted Y/n with his free hand, as he closely held the bloodied mug as if it was some type of precious gem.

Lucas, then spoke up towards you, "Yeah- uh sorry for the trouble..." He earned a silent nod from Y/n.

The group of guys then parted ways, Jason giving an extra long goodbye, telling you if you ever needed a place to stay, you could always stay with him instead of in this shithole.

Y/n finally closed the door, while waiting a bit before speaking up, "Come out Eddie, they left." 

Eddie rummaged out of the storage closet and suddenly jumped onto you, checking you for wounds or anything. "Tell me those assholes didn't touch you!" Eddie's hands spiraled along Y/n's face, messing up her hair in the process of checking her.

"M!- Fine!-" Y/n brushed Eddie's big hands away, taking notice of his rings, Y/n brought Eddie's hand into her own, as she brushed kisses along his hands.

"Eddie?" Y/n asked out, suddenly noticing a portal behind him forming. "Eddie...get behind me." She commanded, bringing him closer.

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