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"Hi can we have a table or section for about 20 of us?" Andrea asked

The host took them to a section that was empty in the restaurant. They were able to put 5 tables together and make on large one. 

The adults sat at the end of the table leaving space for the kids to all sit together. R5 decided to let the girls sit down first. So naturally they all sat with a chair in between them (for the most part) that way R5 can fill the rest in with where they wanted to sit. But secretly they were all hoping that they would sit next to the girl that they like (if they did like any of them.)

Riker between Yvette and Aileny

Rocky between Yvette and Andrea

Ross between Aileny and Claudia

Rydel between Claudia and Sabrina

Ratliff between Sabrina and Alex

Next to Alex was Gaby that had Aja next to her. Aja had an empty seat next to her so Ryland took that one with Kesia next to him on the other side. Next to Kesia was Arieny.

During dinner they all talked and got to know each other. They even ordered a bunch of food/appetizers that they all shared. An hour later the diner was empty besides them. 

"Hey Yvette how did that Cup thing you do work?" Aileny asked randomly

"You mean the hand thing?" Yvette asked

"Yeah, like in the movie" Aileny said

Yvette showed the hand movement real fast

"Do it withe the actual cups" Arieny said

"No its okay dont wanna make a scene" Yvette shy'd away

"Do it. I wanna learn it. Plus theres no one here but us" Rydel urged on

"Fine" Yvette agreed and dumped the ice out of her cup into a plate.

"OMG teach me!" Ratliff grabbed his cup

After about 10 mins of showing them everyone got it

"Did you ever try doing it with passing the cups to the person next to you?" The waiter asked coming to pick up plates

"What do you mean" Sabrina asked

"At the last cup placement of the rotation inside of putting it back where it started you place it infront of the person next to you so all the cups circle around the group" The waiter explained

"Lets try it!" Rydel got excited

Alex took her phone out and texted the girls: on the fourth rotation sing the song

Some of the girls checked their phones while the others didnt. Andrea laughed to herself when she saw the message. She knew it was going to be awesome. 

Stormie pulled out her phone to record them doing it, and counted down to 3 for them to start

They were in the middle of the 3rd pass

"Yvette do it" Gaby called

Y- I got my ticket for the long way round ... 

All the girls joined in on the chorus, then Claudia took the 2nd verse. In the 2nd round of the chorus R5 joined in.

Once they finished the song

"Last pass" Sabrina called

"That was wonderful!" Stormie clapped

A bunch of other clapping came from the Dennys staff

"This has been fun girls but we gotta get on the road" Mark got up to go pay

They were at Dennys for about 2 hours

"Guys text your parents and tell them we just finished eating and were heading back now should be there around they time they are waking up. 7am" Yvette said 

Rydel and the girls all exchanged numbers, they said their goodbyes and they were on their ways



"Here boys get their numbers but let them get home and sleep before you text them" Rydel put the paper with their numbers on the table of the bus.

Riker texted Yvette since he already had her number from when she texted him durning the show

It was fun hanging out with you guys! Drive safe and left us know when you guys make it back home. Hate to think something happened to you cause we kept you up for a whole day ;)


Girls POV

7am and they are all finally home. Yvette didnt even check her phone she went straight to bed. A few hours when she woke up she noticed she had hundreds of texts and missed calls from the girls that she didnt even notice Rikers message.

Y- guys relax i just woke up give me a chance to read your messages

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2013 ⏰

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