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after the show:

"Lets go!" Claudia got excited

Stormie was at the gate that lead to the backstage area

"Hi girls! did you enjoy the show?" Stormie asked

All- Yes it was awesome!

"Well they are out doing the autograph singing if you wanna go to that if not you can come back stage and hang out with me and Cheryl till their done" Stormie said

"Thats cool, we wanna hang out with you and Cheryl" Aileny said excited

"Come on then" Stormie had the security open the gate made sure each one of they made it past security with their passes

Finally in their tent area

"So where you guys from?" Stormie asked

"Miami" Claudia said

"Did you girls go to the east coast tour we had a few months ago?" Cherly asked

"Yes!" they all answered

"So Rydel already told me your ages just not your names" Stormie giggled











"Woah alot of As there" Cheryl laughed

"So which one of you cuties is the oldest?" Stormie asked

"Me" Yvette said "I'm 24"

"Ohhhh" Cheryl smiled

The girls all looked at each other

"So you must be tired then? Werent you the one that drove all the way up here?" Stormie asked

"Yup and gotta drive back when we are ready to leave" Yvette said

"You guys arent getting any rest?" Cheryl looked concerned

"Well they are. I'll be up for about 24 hours by the time I drop them all off at their homes and get back to mine" Yvette said

"you poor thing" Stormie hugged her

"Hey its worth it!" Yvette hugged back

"Join in girls!" Stormie hugged all the other girls

"Group hug!" Cheryl called

"Think I hear the kids now" Stormie went to open the door

BackStage PassWhere stories live. Discover now