Chick Fil A

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R5 Point of View 

"Rydel wait till we start the show to sing our songs" Rocky said to his sister

"Thats not me" Rydel said smacking him

"Where is that coming from?" Riker asked

"Guys check it out" Rydel says pointing to the group of girls sitting at a table not so far away

"Dibs!" Ross calls

"You dont even know how old they are? Or if they are even fans?" Ratliff said

"Well they are singing one of our songs! so they have to be fans" Ross said

"Rydel go talk to them!" Ryland said

"Dad do we have any passes left over for VIP?" Riker asked Mark

"Im sure they already have VIP. Why would they be here so early if they didnt?" Rocky stated

"I'll be back" Rydel got up

Rydel walked over to the group of girls

"Hey Girls!" Rydel said

"Hi!" the 10 girls answered

"You guys coming to the show?" Rydel asked

"Yup. We just drove 4 hours from Miami this morning." Arieny said

"Well I drove they all slept 4 hours from Miami" Yvette laughed

"Awesome! What time did you guys have to leave?" Rydel asked

"Ive been up since bout 5 this morning picking all them up. Had to deal with traffic to since its a week day" Yvette said "We got here about half an hour ago"

"Hi" Riker appeared to Rydels side

"This is Riker one of my brothers, but im sure you already knew that" Rydel laughed then turned to face Riker "They drove up from Miami this morning and I'm guessing shes the oldest since she was the one driving" Rydel winked at Riker

"Yup Im 24 the rest are between 15-19" Yvette senced the tone in Rydels voice 

"How big is your group, any more joining you?" Riker asked

"Its just us 10" Aileny said

"Well heres my number maybe we can all hang out after the show?" Riker handed a paper with his number to Yvette

"We'll see you guys in a little while then at the meet and greet" Rydel said pulling Riker along


"Sooooooooooooooooo?" Ratliff said

"Oldest is 24 which obviously Riker likes cause he already gave her his number.. the rest are between 15-19 so you guys are all good to go flirt. & they all have VIP already so your welcome" Rydel told her brothers

"Their names?" Ross asked

"Didnt have a chance to ask. Theres 10 of them. I'll only do some much of your dirty work for you" Rydel said getting up to throw away her trash

"Lets go kids gotta get back to the venue" Mark said

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