3. The Bounty Hunter

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"You know what to do, take her as far away as possible,"

"What about you?" she sobs

"I'll hold them off, this is goodbye. May the force be with you, always" he kisses her on the forehead,

"goodbye, my love," she said with sadness in her voice as she runs away with a child wrapped in her arms.


I greeted everyone in the briefing room and they greeted me back, except for Caleb, 'that dude does not like me at all,' I thought to myself,

"He'll come around," I heard Dina said as she approached me, "eventually,"

"Yeah, I sure hope so," we chuckled, "so, where are we headed next?," I asked as I was grabbing a bowl in the cupboard,

"We're heading to the Yavin sector," she said as she purple mush on her bowl, "trust me, it taste better than it looks," she responds to the disgust expression on my face,

"You sure? Also why Yavin?" I filled my bowl with the same purple mush,

"There's a hidden Rebel base on one of planet's moons, we're requested to rendezvous with Phoenix squadron and the Ghost Crew for a co-op mission,"

"Ghost Crew? Never heard of em," I said as I stuffed my mouth with the weird food on my bowl, which is surprisingly good,

She chuckles, "of course you haven't, you're new around here, remember?" she smiled at me, I felt my cheeks burning so I redirected my gaze on my bowl, "anyway, they're a one ship crew like us, they currently have 5 members. And they're mostly posted on the Lothal sector," she said and started to dig in on her bowl,

"Lothal, huh? Isn't there a heavy Imperial presence there?" she nodded, "Yeah, there's an Imperial academy there, that's where me and Caleb graduated," I felt a sting on my chest, 'what's their relationship like? Are they in a relationship? Is it any of my business? Probably not, but still, why do I feel like this... Is this jealousy?' these questions flooded my head, I didn't realize Dina was trying to get my attention,

"Hey, are you alright?" she said with a concerned look on her face,

I snapped out of my thoughts, "Uhm... Yeah, I'm good, sorry I was just lost in thought," I gave her a reassuring smile, "Yeah, no kidding. You seemed pretty deep in it, what were you thinking about?" she seemed really curious,

"Oh, you know. Stuff," I let out a nervous chuckled, she just raised an eyebrow at me and I just stayed silent,

After a few minutes of silence and awkward gazes, she spoke, "fine, fine, keep your secrets," she then stood up and made her way to our room, "I do hope you tell me when you're ready," she smiled at me before she entered,

"what was that about?" I jumped a little, it was Rihirr, "what?" he said with a raised eyebrow, "oh, right. We haven't talked before," he then say down adjacent to me,

"yeah, sorry. You just startled me," I chucked awkwardly, "so what was that about? Did you and Dana have an argument or something?"

"oh, it was not-" Caleb cut me off, "we're exiting hyperspace, tell everyone to gather up," he only talked to Rihirr and never even looked at me, 'seriously what's his deal?' I just shrugged it off and went to our room to tell Dina to meet with everyone,

I knocked on the door twice, "come in," Dina said before the door opened, "you know you don't have to knock when you need to go in, right? It's your room too," she sat up on her bed,

"well, I don't want to accidentally walk in on you while you're getting dressed or something," I said without making eye contact, "why not? We're both women here, unless you're into women," she smirked,

I could feel my cheeks burning up, "Caleb asked everyone to report to the briefing room ASAP," with that said I walked out the room, well it was more like a sprint, I skiddadled heh,


Juno was explaining the mission we'd be on next, but all I can focus on is Dina's eyes fixated on me in my peripheral vision, I try my best not to look at her directly but her gaze makes my knees weak, 'what the hell is this woman doing to me?'

"Well that's about it," Juno said, dang I didn't hear much of it because of Dina, "Senator Organa would fill you in on the rest, dismissed," Everyone nodded at each other then left to gather their stuff, I did the same,

The second I entered the room, Dina closed the door behind her then pinned me against our bunk bed, "do I make you nervous, Endora?" she said in a very sexy voice, 'AGHH! what am I thinking?!'

I gulped, "I-Umm... W-What do yo-u... mean?" this is so hot I developed a stutter, oh gods, "Don't play dumb, Endora. I see the way you look at me, you want me, don't you?" she said with a serious look on her eyes,

I couldn't utter a word, I want to speak but no sound comes out, we stayed like that for a few moments before she let me go,

"shame, I would have tapped that if you were,"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08 ⏰

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