O. 4

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"Those eyes" Wooyoung said to himself. He wasn't scared but the sudden appearance of a stranger, that too breathing over him made him scream as he got up from his bed.
"A THIEFFFF" he shouted.
"Why are you here?" the guy standing infront of him asked. 
His voice was deep yet beautiful and his appearance was strange. He wore a black suit with a lot of chains, a black hat and a mask which was also black and pulled out under his chin.
"Are you... a gangster?" Wooyoung asked, questioning his appearance. 
"Huh",was the reply.

"WE ARE HERE " Hongjoong barged in the room, followed by Seonghwa. 
"WHAT IS WRO-" Seonghwa cut off his sentence as soon as he saw the man standing there.
"AHHH !! I TOLD YOU NOT TOOOO" he said panicking and hitting Hongjoong's back with his fist.
Wooyoung stood there , confused.
San looked towards Hongjoong and pointed towards Wooyoung with his eyes.
"Oh well" "You see..." Hongjoong said.
"Will you tell me what's going on here?" Wooyoung asked,still confused (well ofc he is bro).
"He" said Hongjoong pointing towards the stranger, "is your roommate." "Meet San" he continued. 
"And San, meet Wooyoung".
"A roommate ???" "I have no problem but the house is so big. Can't he stay in any other room ?" Wooyoung questioned.  
"Well, ofc he can't stay in the portal rooms-" Seonghwa replied, confusing  Wooyoung even more. To which Hongjoong gave Seonghwa an angry stare and then with a nervous smile,looked at Wooyoung and said, "The store rooms, he means. He's really sleepy aha and the room is so full of stuff that you barely can enter ". 
"I am tired. If you are done with this i'll go to sleep" San said looking at them.
"Oh yeah yeah" nodded Hongjoong. 
Taking out his clothes from the cupboard,San went to the bathroom to get changed.
Meanwhile, Hongjoong apologized to Wooyoung for not notifying him about another person living with them. "Ah no ! It's alright !" Wooyoung smiled.
"ohh can we go to sleep..?" yawned Seonghwa. "Oh yes let's go" Hongjoong replied and exchaned goodnight wishes with Wooyoung.

"Woah . San didn't get mad at us . Phew!" , Seonghwa whispered to Hongjoong while on the way to his room. "It's quite a miracle haha" "But i think he will, in the morning, since he is too tired rn" .
"HUHH STOP SCARING ME MR KIM !" Seonghwa said frowning.
Hongjoong smiled , "You look cute when you're mad" he said gently stroking his head.
Seonghwa 's frown almost disappeared and he blushed while looking at Hongjoong .
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Sorry for the typos if there are any. 
+ people wondering if Hong and Hwa live in the same room,
they do.

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