What we found

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When we went to see Mayor Panda, I saw the most amazing thing in the world. A DOUBLE RAINBOW, Butterbean and I started squealing and jumping up and down like children. "A DOUBLE RAINBOW, I sqeal in excitement". "Can you believe it, Spark, said Butterbean grinning". "Butterbean, we need to go worn Mayor Panda, before the pony army attacks, LETS GO, I say running towards the land of Unicorns with Butterbean trotting after me"...

Butterbean's POV

"Butterbean, we need to go worn Mayor Panda, before the pony army attacks, LETS GO,said SparkleFace running the land of Unicorns with me trotting after her". As we go to the land we see a baby pony crying,  SparkleFace just ignores him but I go up to him and ask concerned "Hey, what's wrong?" "I'm lost and I have no idea where I am or how to get home, says The lost Pony". "I'm Butterbean,  by the way, I say introducing myself". "I'm America, said America". "My family left me to fight the phantoms, said America getting tears in his eyes".  I raise an eyebrow because I have no idea who the phantoms are or what they look like and I ask "What do they look like?" America says "Their black and look like jellyfish. Do you want me to show you?" I nod and help America up as he goes to PhantomLand and shows me a black jellyfish looking animal making me flinch. "Wow, their scary, I say".

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