Chapter 2 (One Hell of a Timeskip)

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10 years, it had already been 10 whole years since his friends had turned on him, 10 whole years since he had been used to beating because his nonexistent quirk, and in this time he had dyed his hair to be black with the occasional green streaks, as he didn't want to at least not easily be associated his now former sister. He even started to work out, leaving him with a well defined 6 pack, and large muscles, at this point Izuku had sit at a tall 5'10

As for the bullying, it never stopped, in fact it only got worse with them growing older and improving their quirks, especially Izumi as her parents were helping her improve her quirk

Speaking of his "parents" they ignored him, which sometimes led them to forget he even lived their,which would lead to them beating him with a metal bat, and throw silverware at him, the one leaving the most pain was surprisingly a spork, when it stabbed him in the abdomen as he opened the door, however when he got to his room they would forget he was there and continue eating.

This went on and on, but he never gave up on his dream, and eventually it payed off

It was the like any day of school and the teacher had a pile of paper in his hands and was ready to announce something.

Teacher: Since your all 3rd years, it's time to think seriously about your futures, I'll pass out handouts for your future now, but you're all...

The teacher then proceeds the yeet the all fucking papers

Teacher: pretty much planning to go into the hero course right?

The classroom then becomes wild, people shooting fire, hitting the decks with a wooden head? One thing for sure, almost everyone was excited, keyword:Almost

Katsuki: Hey teach, don't lump me and my group with the rest of these rejects, they'd be lucky to be a sidekick to some busted D lister, besides we're the only ones that can and will get in U.A, and even so I'd still kick their asses



Teacher: Settle done everyone, Izuku you wanna go to U.A too right?

When everyone heard that they started to laugh, 5 students in particular.

Katsuki: DEKU!

Just as fast as the teacher had said it, Katsuki had ran to his desk and shot a powerful explosion to get him on the ground, however Izuku merely grabbed a homemade shield that appeared as a book and block most of the blast, only giving him minor burns

Izuku: Listen up Kajin Spice, if I wanna go to U.A then so be it, you don't gotta try and beat me up over it, you might get my jacket dirty

Izumi: Who cares about your jacket you DEKU you're just a nobody with a dream to die and rot in hell!

Teacher:Everyone settle down, we're starting the lesson

The day flew by and as the bell rang, everyone left, except for a certain group and a black haired boy


Katsuki looks him in the eyes and gets closer, staring at his emotionless eyes

Izuku: Whatever the fuck I wanna do that's for sure

By that time, Shoto had left along with Shoka, as they had a set time to be home, 3 people against one

Izuku having enough of it decided to get up and go, but Katsuki being the bitch he is, decided to grabbed onto Izuku's hoodie, which Izuku decided was the final straw


Izuku:Let go Kacchan

At this moment, Izuku heard something, a quote, which at the time he heard in his head.

"In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity"

But this wouldn't be the last time he heard this

Katsuki:Or what, your to much of a weakling to do anything about i-

At that moment, Izuku grabbed his hand and swept his legs making him fall, Izuku then grabbed his head and slammed it against his knee in one fell swoop, dropping him on the floor presumably knocking him out

The next one on his chopping block was Katsumi, not cause he wanted to, but she came charging towards him after seeing Katsuki get his ass handed to him so he had no choice but to continue his spree.

She goes for a right hook, which Izuku promptly blocks with his left arm, which was a good decision cause she then exploded it right after.

She jumps back while shooting a small blast at Izuku while he takes the hit, after Izumi shoots a charged blast towards him to which he takes a ball which seemed to be made of paper mache that when hit explodes revealing a cloud of sand and dust

Izumi not knowing where he is stays on guard, covering Katsumi as she goes in the cloud, this however was a big mistake, as Izuku goes behind Izumi and kicks her back, as he quickly follows up by putting her in a chokehold while covering her mouth to muffle her screams, she tries to use her elbows to shoot a blast as him but he sweeps her legs and slamming her face on the ground, knocking her out.

The impact however alerts Katsumi where he is, as she charges she shoots a large powerful blast but he dodges it, she spots him and instead goes for a quicker but less powerful small shot of an explosion (like a single bullet sized A.P Shot) this however backfired as Izuku had 2 things in his hand, a book and a pencil.

He throws the book at it, slowing it down and taking the shot as he charges her, as she gets ready to send a powerful explosion, her arms gets hurt, she looks over to see a pencil which was thrown by none other than Izuku, as she winces in pain for less than a second, that's all the time Izuku needed to jump and kick her head, however he grabs her head and turns it so she's facing the wall and he say 2 single words before knocking her out


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