Chapter 3 (The Start of his Career)

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After kicking their asses, Izuku felt something he hadn't felt for a very long time, pride. He had also been taught that he was useless, but look at him, beating 3 of the 5 bullies who had tortured him for almost his whole life.

While thinking to himself he had taken a different path than normal which led to him hearing a deep and somewhat intimidating voice

???: A medium sized cloak, this'll have to do

Izuku turns around to see a giant green slime monster which only had eyes and a mouth

At first he wanted to run, but he realized this was just some dumb D tiered villain, it'll just chase him down cause it doesn't care about being seen, it only worried about killing and being killed so he just couldn't.

So he had 2 options either stall or fight i-

At that moment the monster had lunged at him while he was thinking. Izuku quickly dodged and started talking again.

Izuku: OH HELL NO, you ain't gonna beat my ass, I wasn't even done thinking. You think you can just interrupt the main character's monolog and get away with it?

GGSM: Listen kid I don't care what you're saying, just shut up and let me take you over, I'll need a good disguise to hide from people and you look like someone who couldn't hurt a fly

Izuku: Oh trust me my life was probably worse than your-

Suddenly that same voice that had told Izuku about opportunities, had spoken again.

"Quickness is the essence of the war."

Izuku heard it and realized something, but right now he was fighting for his life so he had to think later

The monster shot a tendril at him, which Izuku dodged, but it turned straight towards him, but when it was about a 3 feet away, Izuku's view slowed as the rest of the world, Izuku took notes of this in his thoughts as he ducked under it and broke it with a quick uppercut. And is if they were playing a simple game, it was Izukus turn to fight.

Izuku rushed towards him quickly taking note of everything around him, a chipped circular manhole covering aswelll as the other part of the manhole, an old, about to be broken wall, and most importantly, the exit. As he dodged a few more tendrils, he had grabbed the broken and smaller manhole covering and used the larger one as a shield, getting an idea he dropped the small piece and with all his might he wrapped his arms around it and threw it, hurting the villain a bit, but mostly stunning it for a bit.

He then grabbed the smaller piece and ran, as the monster shot more, he only had one shot, he threw the smaller one, this time toward his eyes, is didn't stab then like he thought but it made him flinch which is all he wanted.

He jumped while the monster was bending more down, as he kicked his eyes towards the broken wall as it shattered, putting the monster under the rubble, well most of it, it's eyes and some of the slime at the end weren't, but at this time Izuku had been finished and was free to think about the voice and how it related to him, atleast that's what he wanted to do, until he heard heavy footsteps.

He looked over, to witness his former idol, All Might right infront of his eyes. He was going to engage but A.M did first

A.M: So young civilian, did you do this, if so thank you we were trying to capture him for a while

Izuku: No problem, however I have 1 question.

A.M: If it's about an autograph then sure!

Izuku: No,, well that too but. *inhale* *exhale* can I be a hero, even though I don't have a quirk

A.M: I'm sorry Izuku, I just can't have you risk you life for something you can't help with

A.M: No, all you would do is get in the way of others, however you could be a police officer or firefighter, they usually help with crimes or save people, but they don't get much praise.

Izuku couldn't believe what he was hearing, his old idol, the #1 Hero, HIS OWN DAD said he couldn't be a hero, because he didn't have a quirk, which mind you All Might also hadn't had a quirk until his sensei had gifted one to him

Izuku didn't even wanna respond to this asshole, so all he said was ok and then walked away. To All Might, he thought that Izuku was sad he couldn't be a hero, but Izuku was thinking something way different.

He didn't know what to eat

Oh and he wanted to know more about the voice but that happened after dinner. When he got home he went on the computer and looked up the quotes. He tried the newer one cause it was fresh in his mind, but nothing, the first one took a long time but eventually he found the original which seemed to be an old book titled "The Art of War" which was made by General Sun Tzu in 5th Century BC.

While reading all of his quotes after finishing the book a few weeks later, Izuku had realized that he did have a quirk and that he could be a hero, but the second part he already knew, but the first was more interesting.

For the 9½ months before the U.A entrance exams, he dedicated the time to relaxing, reading strategy books and books made in China to pick up the Chinese language and culture, and training not only his body, but his skills. He even had weapons made for him, being a Dao, a crossbow, a guandao, some throwing knifes, and a dagger just in case.

Halfway through the 10ish months, he realized something, why would he go to U.A, waste 2 or 3 years to patrol, when he could just start right now, so with 4 months left, at the very least good skills on his weaponry and aim, he goes out, or he would but he cant just wear normal clothes, he would recognized too easily, so instead he bought a black hoodie, a bandana to cover his mouth,(not the covid mask btw) some baggy pants, some gloves, and something that looks like a blindfold, but only he could see through it so any eye contact quirks would be harder to work, with him being ready to go, he waited

And waited

Until a month had passed and it was finally time, to make a big but very hidden debut

Izuku Yagi: The Art Of WarWhere stories live. Discover now