An Amazing Start to an Amazing Vacation!

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You feel your hair being twirled around as you lay, eyes closed in bed. You oddly enough don't mind your hair being moved around as you lay almost asleep again. Just then you feel a slight tug at the end of your hair.

Y/N: Ouch!

You quietly shout. You hear a deep soothing voice whisper to you, "Sorry!" Then before you can even comprehend who this voice belongs to, you feel a sudden soothing feeling in and around your scalp area.

It feels nice! Almost like someone rubbing you? The sensation moves down to your face. Then it dawns on you! A massage! But who would do such a thing this early in the morning? You turn to face your alarm clock and it reads, 8:22am! Wow! That's not as early as you thought! 

Your eyes open wider as you turn to see who had been massaging you this whole time! Your met with the warm glance of Aaron! You smile and giggle quietly to yourself.

Y/N: Thanks for the massage babe.

Aaron: No problem! After all you really do deserve it!

You blush and give him a loving kiss on the lips. You both just melt into the kiss passionately kissing as he pulls you closer. You block out everything going on around you and, for the first time in a while really just focus on you and Aaron.

Just then you hear a knock on your bedroom door. You just block out the knock and continue. You fail to notice the knocks getting louder and the noise of your door swinging open. You giggle as Aaron pulls you so close, that your body presses against his.

Just then you hear footsteps coming in your direction you don't think too much about it. A moment later someone walks over to your guys' bed where your obviously... busy... You don't notice the person standing over you until they clear their throat.

You both quickly pull away and look up. You gasp a you see Zane hovering over your guys' bed!

Y/N: Ah! Zane! What are you doing in our room?

Aaron: Yeah! Can't we get a little privacy around here?

Zane: Gross! And I mean can you really expect privacy in a house with 13 other people?

Y/N: Ugh! Whatever! That's besides the point! Now that you've...

You start to madly blush.

Aaron: Now that you've... disturbed us... What do you want anyways?

Zane: Oh... nothing much... just that... oh maybe... BREAKFAST IS ABOUT TO BE READY!

Aaron: Well geez you don't have to Yell... But isn't it a little early for breakfast to be ready?

Zane: Typically yes but since we're on vacation... no! The others said they wanted to get an early start on our first day here... Not that I could care less or anything... But I was the only one willing to "disturb your privacy."

Aaron: Well then, thanks for doing just that!

Zane: Oh really you don't have to thank me! It was my pleasure! Your. Welcome.

You both sigh and agree you'll be dressed and ready by 8:30 when breakfast is finished. Zane then leaves your room and heads downstairs. Aaron then looks at you with a mischievous grin on his face.

Aaron: So... Need any help to get dressed?

You blush and smile, very flustered from his remark. You gain the confidence to say something like that back to him.

Y/N: No I think I'm fine sir but... You can help me get undressed later if you want...

Aaron blushes and looks taken aback by your remark. You instantly regret saying it.

(ON HIATUS) Aaron Lycan X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now