Fear or peace?

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Zane: Ugh I can't believe I actually have to wear these awful swim shorts! They just had to be bright pink with the unicorn puke tha is rainbows lining the sides of them?

Y/N: I mean I could go get you your old shorts if you'd like, they are a bit torn though...

Zane: No, no I think I'll manage to live through this somehow. Now just as long as I'm not seen by-

KC: Zane~Kun!!!

Zane: Oh crap, quick hide me!

Y/N: Nah, I wanna see this...

Kawaii~Chan quickly finds her way over to the both of you...

KC: Oh my Irene Zane! Your shorts are the cutest pinkest Kawaiiest thing Kawaii~Chan has ever seen!!! I love them!!!

Zane: Heh heh yeah... I'm just gonna-

He instantly makes a dash for it, causing KC to trail behind him. Now that that's over you let out a sigh, finally having a quiet moment to yourself. For a while of thirty five seconds that is...

Kaitlyn: There you are Y/N! It's time for the big guns now!

Y/N: The big guns...?

Travis: You know, the super awesome crazy slide! The really massive one over there!

You glance in the direction of the slide he's pointing at and boy was it massive...

Y/N: Ehh you know what I think I might actually head over to the lazy river...

Aaron: Why's that? Are you, pause for dramatic effect, chicken!?

Y/N: What!? Me? Chicken? No way! I'm just tired and wanna relax in the lazy river for a while that's all...

Aaron: Well unfortunately that's not an option here, come on!

With that he gently grabs your arm, tugging you along and up the ever-growing flight of stairs leading to the slide. With each step your nerves grow, deepening the hollow pit formed in your stomach.

You try and think of only the most reassuring thoughts. This slide most likely leads into a shallow enough pool that you can manage to make it out of just fine. Besides, if all else fails at least you have your floaty ring to keep you afloat somewhat.

Your courage returns somewhat by the time you've reached the top. Kaitlyn was obviously the first to go down the winding tunnel of doom. Followed closely by Travis, as per the usual nowadays... And then there were two...

Aaron gives you a gentle nudge forward...

Aaron: Don't worry, this slide leads into a pretty shallow pool. Go on babe, you'll be fine. Kaitlyn and Travis are waiting at the bottom and I'll be right behind you, promise.

Y/N: I guess...

Despite all of your precautions, you still felt a bit weary. You stepped closer to the entrance of the slide and were met with the unfamiliar voice of an employee.

Employee: Excuse me ma'am? No floaties allowed down the closed slides.

Y/N: What? Why not?

Employee: It's a safety hazard and quite frankly a big liability. There's a possibility it would get damaged in the slide. It could also get caught, trapping you inside till we can figure out the safest way to get you out.

The thought made you shudder. In the end you supposed going down without a floaty into a presumably shallow pool of water with no floaty was better than being trapped inside the tight slide for hours on end.

You reluctantly surrender your floaty, setting it to the side carefully. That's when you spot something odd, Zane was rushing up the stairs to the slide. Upon further inspection, Kawaii~Chan wasn't even forcing him... That was odd, but you shrugged it off and returned to the moment.

Aaron: How about you just sit down in the slide to get a feel for it before you actually commit to going down?

Leave it up to Aaron to always come up with the greatest ideas... With that you sat down at the tunnel entrance of the massive slide. You take a deep breath, not wanting to back out in front of your boyfriend, but also not really wanting to go down either.

You sit in the base of the slide for a few moments, contemplating as the water runs around you, gently splashing over your legs every few seconds. It felt almost peaceful in a way... Like nothing could happen and you could just stay here, living your life forever.

The peaceful tranquility of the moment was shattered however when the feel of cold damp hands was felt on your back. Before your mind could register you were off, sliding further into the slippery tunnel. Sliding faster and faster with no end in sight. Twisting and turning with the curves of the slide, unable to sit up properly from the speed and toughness of the ride combined.

Then in a blink it was over, and down you went, into the shallow pool of water as you were supposed to. Your eyes instinctively shutting to avoid the sting of the water pooling into them. Except it wasn't shallow and it wasn't a pool. It was salty and deep with the most suffocating atmosphere. Why was that? Possibly due to the fact all the air had drained from your lungs with the further you sunk down...

You aren't quite sure what you're supposed to be feeling in this moment. Probably fear but it wasn't. It felt like peace.


I let out a slight chuckle to myself after I gave her the light shove down the slide. I watch for a few seconds waiting to see her emerge at the bottom before I'm met with a more unsurprising sight.

Aaron: Zane? What are you doing up here? And why do you look like you just ran a marathon and a half?

Zane: Where's Y/N!?

Aaron: Uhh she just went down the slide, why?

Zane: Which slide?

Aaron: I dunno one of the ones over-

Zane: Which slide Aaron!?

Aaron: Um the purple one? Why's it matter?

Zane: She has her-

He was glancing over at her floaty which had been left up here for safety reasons as the employee had claimed. A look that could only be described as pure horror spread over Zane's face in that moment...

Zane: Why would you let her go down that slide of all of them!?

Aaron: why not? It's not like a little bit of fun with kill her Zane, she's not you.

Zane: This isn't the time for jokes Aaron! That slide leads straight into the ocean!

Aaron: Oh it does? Whoops! I told her it didn't.

I let out a small laugh at my seemingly harmless mistake. I just figured Zane was getting worked up easily again, which he often tended to do.

Zane: No not whoops! This is serious Aaron! Y/N, she hasn't been telling you everything...

Aaron: What do you mean? Is this some kind of joke?

Zane: No this isn't a joke for the millionth time! Y/N can't swim idiot!

Aaron: Wait what!?

I had no need to ask him if he was serious this time, the look on his face said it all. I wasted not a single second, it was time I didn't have at this point. I dived right into the slide I had just shoved her down, ignoring the frantic shouts of both Zane and now the employee too. On the long yet short journey down my head bubbles with thoughts.

It's my fault I told her the wrong slide. It's Zane's fault for not telling me. It's her fault for not telling me. It's my fault for being careless. It's Zane's fault for being too slow. It's my fault for not knowing. It's my fault for pushing her. It's my fault, my fault, all my fault...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16 ⏰

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