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Chapter 4 Sparring

Zukos pov

One year after the war

"Thank you for coming, I'm glad that we could agree on the terms for the aliens," I said to Hakoda.

"Thank you for having me. I'm sorry it took so long to agree on things, the fire nation counsel and my counsel were making things difficult. If it was just us then I'm sure it would have been faster."

"Yes, well our people are both stubborn which is not helpful at times."

"I agree. Anyways I'll be sending the southern water tribe's representative in a few days. I have one in mind but it depends on them."

"I know you will pick well. I will send one when I find one, one that will honor the agreements. And not just their nation."

"Good day, fire lord Zuko."

"You too Chief Hakoda."

I walk back inside the palace trying to think of a representative but none come to mind.

One month later

"Fire lord there's a letter from the southern water tribe." one of the servants comes to tell me with the letter in hand.

"Thank you" I take the letter and they leave. The letter reads,

Dear Fire lord Zuko,

I have come up with a representative. I have sent them on a ship and will be arriving on the 14 of September. I apologize for it being so late but most of the time was spent getting back to the south. As for the representative, you already know her, my daughter Katara.

Chief Hakoda

I almost dropped the leter when I saw it was Katara being the representative. It's been a year since I last saw her. "This is going to be awkward ." I say to myself. I reread the letter and my eye catches the date September 14th. I look at the calendar and realize that the 14th is tomorrow.

I hardly get any sleep. I'm so nervous about seeing Katara that it's hard to sleep. I finally fall asleep and when I wake up I bolt up and look at the time. It's 8:30. I get out of bed and get dressed in my usual Fire lord clothes that are pretty much the same every day. "Sir the ship with Mistress Katara on it will be docking in half an hour."

"Thank you" I fingered I would stay here and greet her when she gets to the palace.

The carriage with the new representative on it comes into the courtyard. I'm standing on the steps waiting. When Katara exits my heart skips a beat. She's more beautiful then I remember. "Fire lord Zuko it's nice to see you after so long." she said while giving me a hug. I hug her back and say "You too representative Katara." I decided to tease her about her new role.

"Haha very funny. Fire lord. " she puts emphasis on 'fire lord' as payback for my teasing.

"I'll show you where you'll be staying" we walk inside. We walk down some halls make a few turns and I stop at a door . "Here you go, representative. I'll send a schedule for the meetings that you will need to be at." "Thank you fire lord." " You don't miss anything do you?" "Nope, and I thought you left that a long time ago." "Maybe I did maybe I didn't or I just forgot." She nodded and I left her to unpack.

Kataras pov

I put my bag down and bite my lip trying not to smile. I fall on the bed and I laugh to myself that Zuko has gotten more handsome. But then I remember that I'm the representative for the southern water tribe and I'm here to keep the peace between the south and the fire nation. I decide to walk around the palace. I walk down some halls and then through a door that lead to a beautiful garden with a little pond that had turtle ducks in it I gasp at the beauty of the garden and walk around it for what seemed to have been an hour at least. "Katara, there you are, I was looking for you. I have that list with the meetings."

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