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"TATUM, I DON'T THINK THIS IS A GOOD IDEA." Tatum Grant hears through the walkie-talkie, making her roll her eyes.

"Wesley, if you don't open this damn door in the next 5 minutes, you won't have a job."

"5 minutes? Great, I have the time to explain to you how incredibly horrible this idea is."

"Open the damn door!" She shouts into the walkie, as a faint squeak was heard from the other side. Almost immediately after she raised her voice, the door began too slowly open. A smile of satisfaction graced her face, before stalking in ever so slightly to scan the bare cage. "Check the cams for me, Wes." Tate murmured, keeping her words quiet.

"On it." She hears him say, as the sound of him typing goes through the small speaker. Tatum was quick to scroll the nozzle down, lowering the volume. "It looks like she's located on the eastern side of the cage. As long as you keep away from there, you should be able to reach the feeding dispenser with no problem." Wesley explained, making the blonde nod as though he could see. "How did a goat get stuck in there anyway." He muttered, almost as if he was questioning himself, rather than Tate.

"Clarie said somethin' about her playing around with it for fun." The Grant chuckled at her own words, realizing how ridiculous that sounds.

"Pleasant." Wesley replied. She hummed in agreement, as her eyesight caught the feeder. She grimaced at the sight of the dead goat, laying lifeless with its leg stuck between the feeder's release doors. Tatum stopped in her tracks she heard rustling from the right side of her. Tatum tried shaking it off, ignoring the fact she was currently sharing a cage with one of the most dangerous dinosaur species made.

Arriving to the feeder, Tate was quick to begin prying open the feeder doors that were jammed shut. She grabbed the metal prybar she had brought, knowing it'd be handy in this situation. Tate didn't regret her own decision, as it made it 10 times quicker to get the foot out. Quickly, she stood back up, brushing her hands on her bare thighs.

"Tate..." The female heard in the walkie; the sound eerie. She quirked an eyebrow, putting it up to her mouth. "Yes." She mutters, scanning the surrounding area. "L- look behind you." The hairs on the back of her neck rose, as did the tension in her body as she slowly turned her body to face the large dinosaur towering over herself. The female Allosaurus breathed heavily into Tate's face, letting out a sinister grow as Tate slowly began to back up, mentally praying that this wouldn't go wrong.

"Open the door, Wes." She whispers, tugging over the dead goat's corpse. "Y- yes ma'am." He stuttered, clicking away at his keyboard. She quickly lifted the corpse into the air, throwing it somewhere into the forest. The Allosaurus let out a curious growl, ignoring Tatum's presence as she stomped away. She mentally thanked herself for training these animals to be corruptive with humans.

Sprinting to the exit door, Tatum quickly rushed out as Wesley began to shut the door, knowing she was safely out. The Grant girl sighed in content, shaking her head at her own antics. "Good job, Tate." Wesley muttered, as she smiled. "Thanks, Wes." Tate says in the walkie, before walking towards the exit of the 'Employees only' alley.

"On another note, Clarie informed me you needed to check out paddock 11 with her and Mr. Masrani. New asset is having some issues." Tatum chuckled at Wesley's words, rolling her eyes.

"Asset? Is that the name of our new dinosaur?"

Wesley sighed, "Don't sass me." He muttered, before shutting off their contact. The blonde scoffed, giving the talkie an offended look. She did the order any way, strutting through the park towards where the ranger's jeeps were located. Tatum made mental notes on the irritating tasks she'd have to be dealing with today, letting out a sigh of annoyance as she continued to make her way to the destination.


"Tatum, there you are." Claire beamed, holding her arms out for Tate as a welcome. The blonde gave her a thin-lipped smile, nodding at her and Mr. Masrani.

"Show me to my new Dino." Tate clapped her hands together, following Claire as they all entered the viewing room. The greenery was all she could see through the glass structure, as she crossed her arms over her slightly revealed chest. I could hear the workers from the outside, who were constructing on the wall. Tate had visited here every single month, and it seemed that there was never anything new happening. "Why are you still constructing on the walls? I thought they were supposed to be done two weeks ago." The Grant asked with confusion, furrowing her eyebrows as Clarie sighed, turning to the young girl.

"Originally, it was. But it seems as though our new dinosaur is bigger than planned." She explained, as Tate tilted her eyebrows. "Interesting." She whispers, turning her attention back to the dinosaur that has yet to be seen. "Where'd the sibling go?"

Claire cleared her throat, as Tate cocked her head to the side. "She ate it."

Tate felt her eyes widened, nodding. "She sounds lovely." Joked Tate, as a growl erupted through the air. Her eyes went to the dinosaur, smirking at the sight of the female. "Think it'll scare the kids?" Asked Claire.

"Hell yes." Tatum mutters. "When can I go in?"

Mr. Masrani chuckled, shaking his head. "Go in? Do you have a death wish, Tate?"

The blonde huffed, puffing her cheeks out. "Of course, I want to go in. This is a living creature. Currently, she's alone and her only goal is food. She sees humans, she thinks food. She needs to be sanitized for safety precaution." Tate turns to the two, unfolding her arms. "She isn't an art exabit. She's real and lonely. I risk my life every day for these animals, and I won't be stopping that because of her." She explains. "Imagine one of us has to go in there for whatever reason. She needs this. I've done it with the T-Rex, I've done it with the Allosaur, and I've done it with the Raptors. I can do it with her." Tatum nods confidently, as the two adults shared a look of concern.

"You'll be a snack for them one day." Mr. Masrani shook his finger, as the blonde smiled. "But you love me for it." She playfully flicked her blonde ponytail. "I want Owen to see this," She points. "We'll inspect the paddock together. I need an inside scoop on this thing." She nods, as she begins her walk towards the door.

"Oh, Tate! Before you leave. I need you to do something for me." Clarie announces, as The Grant female whips around to face her, cocking an eyebrow. "I need you to take care of my nephews for the day." She grinned, as Tatum scoffed. "Clarie, I'm not a damn babysitter. I have things to do, like inspect this paddock." She gestures to the paddock, as Clarie sighed. "I wouldn't be asking if it wasn't urgent. It's their first day here, and I know you can make it fun. Please? I'll pay you." She begged, as Tate took a step forward, thinking about it for a minute.

"How much?"


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