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"ALRIGHT, IT'S ALL DONE." Zach wiped off his hands, smiling at the duo who was mid conversation on Tatum's most challenging dinosaurs she's worked with. Earning their attention, they nodded as they began walking towards him. It turned out the Jeep had much more needed to be done, but the three got it over with quickly.

"Tate, turn it on for me." Zach pointed towards the wheel as him and Gray stared down at the engine of the car. She nodded, swinging into the driver's side door. The keys already being in the ignition — she turned them to the right, earning a low growl from the Ranger's Jeep. With that, the vehicle successfully came on, earning cheers from the three.

Tate stayed in her spot, as Zach and Gray settled in their own seats. "Seat belts on." She instructed, fastening her own once the two boys did the same. "Alright, if we're lucky this road will lead us straight back to the park." She told them, as they nodded their head towards her. Hastily, she pressed her foot against the gas, revving the engine.

The trio made their way through the jungle of trees — before the sound of a helicopter was heard from above. Tate looked up to the sky, noticing the familiar blue helicopter that was owned by Jurassic World. A huff escaped her mouth, knowing they were headed straight towards wherever the Indominus was located.

Their drive to the park was no longer than 20 minutes. Even though they did in fact have to break through a fence — they were on a clear path towards their destination. "Alright, once we get there, we can't split up. We'll find Clarie, find Owen, and go from there." Tate explained, drumming her fingers lightly against the wheel.

"Who's Owen?"

"Is he your boyfriend?"

The two Mitchell boys asked, looking at her in question. Tate let out a laugh, shaking her head. "Owen's my right-hand man. Helps me with the dinosaurs, and stuff." She told, as relief washed over the two's shoulders.

"Um, Tate." Gray said from the back of the Jeep, earning her attention as she looked through the rear-view mirror. To her surprise, she was met with a swarm of Pterodactyls and Anurognathus flying their way — faster than Jet planes.

"Oh, shit." She cursed, changing her gear shifts easily. Hurried 'goes' escaped the boy's mouths as speed increased on the Jeep's wheels, making them go as fast as they could possibly go.

Breaking through the trees into a clearing, they were lucky enough to be greeted by the walls of the park, causing Tate to honk the horn repeatedly. The two Mitchell boy's let out a series of calls, asking them to open the gate. The Park Rangers of Jurassic World stood stunned, as Tate pressed her foot against the break.

She stood up in the car, waving at the men as they stared down at her, noticing her immediately. "Tatum?" They called out in confusion, as she nodded quickly. "Yes! It's me. I need you guys to let us in, like, now!" She shouted their way as they hurriedly did so, shock coming onto their faces as they looked up to the screeching of the flying dinosaurs coming in strong.

Without hesitation, the west gate opened for the trio. Tate was quick to press her foot against the gas, rushing them in. The three unbuckled their seatbelts, hopping out of the car. "We need to get to the center of the plaza. I'm calling Claire — alright?" Tate told the two who followed her in pursuit, them nodding.

Tate fidgeted with her phone, dialing Claire's number — who was quick to answer. "Tate? Tate, are you guys alright?" The redhead asked, as Tate nodded — acting as if Claire could see her.

"I'm fine. We're fine. Meet us by Bea's cage, alright?" Tate instructed the woman who hung up after this information.

The three stumbled in the swarm of people, Tate immediately putting her arms against the boy's to keep them from moving. The blonde looked around franticly, trying to find any sign of Claire or Owen. Without success, she groaned in anger, gripping onto Zach and Gray's hands and pulling them along the buildings to hope for some safety against the dinosaurs that flew past them.

"Hey!" They heard from behind them, making the three whip around to see Zara — Claire's assistant, who was waving her arms around for their attention. Without warning, Zara was lifted into the air by a Pterodactyl, making Tate shriek. Gray let out a gasp, holding onto Tate who stared in shock, along with Zach.

The three watched in horror as two Pterodactyls tossed Zara around, before dropping her into Bea's cage. Hurriedly, the three ran to the bars of Bea's habitat. Watching as the Pterodactyl threw her up and down from the water, before Bea jumped up in the air, catching Zara and the Pterodactyl with her hungry mouth.

Tate quickly hid Gray's eyes, holding them tightly as Zach and her shared a look of shock, not knowing what to do. "L- let's get inside." Zach told the two, as they nodded in agreeance. The three tried running towards the closest buildings — but they were all filled with guests. Tate guided the two in a sprint down the street — avoiding as much as they could. Zach and Gray shouted for their aunt, just as a Pterodactyl was right on their tail.

Looking behind her, Tate was quick to push the two boys out of the way as the Pterodactyl continued to follow her. With luck, the dinosaur was shot down by a tranquilizer just as Tate's back was met with a wall. In horror, her eyes widened as the dinosaur's beak was less than an inch away from touching her — almost meeting her nose. Her heart was beating out of her chest as she looked up to the ceiling, trying to catch her breath for a short moment.

With one swift motion, she was pulled away from the Pterodactyl and into the arms of a taller figure. Relief settled over her as she wrapped her frail bones around Zach — who held her tightly with his grip.

"A- are you okay?" He muttered into her golden locks — that had fallen from its ponytail due to the constant hurrying.

Tate nodded, shutting her eyes swiftly before breaking apart from the Mitchell boy, who scanned her body for any scraps or cuts. Tate smiled faintly at his efforts, titling his head up to observe his face — acting as if she was some mother making sure her son didn't hurt himself on the playground. Only, this playground included live eating dinosaurs.

"Are you?"

"Never been better." He mocked her words from earlier, making her laugh. She cocked her head to Gray, who was staring with wide eyes at something in front of him. This caused Tate to turn her head to see Claire and
Owen — mid kiss. Tate's hand went to her mouth, hiding the happy face she had on. She knew Owen had some sort of crush on
Claire — but didn't imagine that this would be the way their first kiss would happen.

Feeling eyes on her, she looked her head over to Zach, who was staring down at her with a cocky smirk. She gave him a suggestive look, shaking her head. "Don't even think about it, Mitchell." Gray let out a giggle, before Claire ran over to her nephews — engulfing them into a quick hug.

Claire gave Tate a thank you nod, as she returned it, before walking over to Owen who had his arms open — prepared for the hug he needed to give Tate. She grinned at him, hugging the man tightly. He let out a grunt, patting the back of her head.

"We gotta go." He told Tate and Clarie, as the two nodded. The four followed the tall man, their next destination planning on being somewhere safer.

✔︎  BAD OMENS, Zach Mitchell ¹ Where stories live. Discover now