Chapter 10

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The lights were off in the cabin when I pulled in. I opened the door slowly to see my dad sitting on his chair, eyes wide open and staring at me. My body tensed up as he stood up.

"Where were you?" He asked me in the stern voice.

"I was with Robin." I replied truthfully. 

"Whose Robin? Some dude?"

"No! SHE is my co-worker. I offered to drive her home and she invited me in, and we lost track of time."

"Hm. You're telling the truth. You may be a good liar, but I always know if you're lying."

I widened my eyes and walked into my room to see El playing with my makeup. 

"HEY!" I shouted at her. She looked at me and just walked away with serious eye contact. I had to clean it up after her since she was 'sleeping'.

~Time skip to next day~

Steve picked me up today in his flashy sports car. HONK HONK! 

"I'M COMING" I shouted from my room just popping in my earrings. HONK! I ran out of my room and Kissed my dad on the cheek.

"HEY STEVE!" I said while almost tripping on a stick strategically placed. I turned around to see El with a little bit of blood below her nose. I groaned and got into his car. "Hey babe," He said and then kissed me on the cheek.

We arrived at the mall and ran in. Always late. Robin was there looking prettier today. I walked behind her and grabbed her by the shoulders. 

"Merde!" She said when she turned round. 

"Mieux vaut surveiller votre langage" I replied. 

"You know french?" She asked.

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me," 

I got behind the counter and grabbed my scooper. 

"Hey! Welcome to Scoops Ahoy! How can I serve you today?" I said to a small boy. 

"I-I cant find my mommy!" The boy said to me. I came from behind the counter and crouched down. "Ok honey, take my hand, lets go find your mommy."

I grabbed his hand and walked out of the shop with him.

~Robins POV~

I saw Harley walking with a little boy next to her. She was obviously good with children, I mean most of her friends were children. 

"Hey Robin? Can you look after Steve while I'm looking for his mom?" She asked me jokingly.

"Yea, sure he really needs looking after."

She chuckled and walked out the door. I went over to the counter and saw Steve looking out the window. "She really is amazing," he said while leaning on the counter. "Mmm, yea." I replied. A woman approached Harley and the boy.

"Oh Jonas! There you are! I was looking everywhere!" 

"MOMMY!" shouted the little boy.

Harley walked back in, "That was easy! I guess kids like ice cream." She went over to a table and started clearing it as we were about to enter rush hour, and having a dirty table is NOT good for business. 



They high-fived and I drew up a board. It had 'YOU SUCK' and 'YOU RULE' this was just for Steve, because he was out of the game, while Harley was pulling out everything she knew.

"Alright, one scoop of chocolate. That's a buck twenty-five." said Steve while holding out the ice cream. I heard him through the sliding window, he was just about to make a fool of himself. "Anything else? Oh, Purdue, Fancy."

"Yea, I'm excited," replied one of the girls, then chuckled.

"Yeah, you know, I considered it, Purdue, but then I was like, You know what? I really think I need some real-life experience, you know, before I hit college, see what it feels like. Kinda like, uh, I don't know, see what its like to earn a working-mans wage, you know? Uh..."

The register started beeping back at him, "Oh I'm sorry." He said slightly panicking.

"Yeah, totally," said the girl with the biggest hair I've seen in my life.

"Yea, anyways, this was like so fun, we should like, I don't know, maybe hang out this weekend or-," He dropped her change, "Oh, sorry bout that. Uh, I don't know, maybe next weekend or-"

"Yea, I'm busy," 

"Well, I'm working here next weekend so... the following weekends better for me.

"Uh no, I'm sorry, I can't. Okay, thanks!" said the girls as they walked off. Steve stuttered as He tried to explain himself by saying its his first day here. 

"Bye there ladies!" said Harley while waving to the slightly ginger girl, the girl blew her a kiss and then walked out.

I came out from behind the window, "And another one bites the dust. You are Oh-for-six, Popeye." I said while scoring another tally on the 'YOU SUCK' side. 

"Yeah, Yeah, I can count."

"You know that means you suck. Good Job Harley that's another one for you! That's six wins." Harley put her fist up in the air

"Yea, I can read too!"

"Since when?" I asked. 

"It's this stupid hat! I am telling you it's totally blowing my best feature!"

"Yeah, company policy is a real drag! You know, it's a its crazy, but have you considered... telling the truth?"

"Oh, you mean,that I couldn't even get into Tech, and my douchebag dad'strying to teach me a lesson, I make three bucks an hour,and I have no future? That truth?" Harley walked over to him and put her hands on his cheeks, "It is honestly really sad that that's how you would go about if we broke up, disappointing, isn't it?"

"Oh look, 12 o'clock!" I shouted as girls entered the store.

Harley went up to them, "Ahoy, ladies.. what can I get for you?" she said in a seductive voice towards them, then winked subtly.

 "Would you like to sail on this extraordinary ocean of flavour, with yours truly? I'll be your captain. I'm Harley Hopper, yes, the Harley Hopper. Daughter of chief of police, and queen of Hawkins high herself. Can I get you guys some ice cream?" All of the girls blushed whenever she looked at them, such charm.

"How does she do that? I mean, honestly?" Steve asked me while looking at Harley flirting with those girls.

"Natural charm I guess!" Harley said as she walked up to us. 

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