cooking skills

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Simon's POV:
I open my eyes and see Wille lying next to me. The sunlight from outside shines on us and illuminates the whole room. My hands were in Wille's hands and his warmth enveloped my fingers. I stare at him for a few more seconds until I slowly put my hand in his hair and start stroking it. His hair is as soft as clouds. A few moments later I caress his cheeks. His nose has some freckles, which I think is the cutest.

There is a huge smile on my face. I saw his eyes slowly open and his brown eyes connect with the sunlight. We both look at each other with love in our eyes. "Morning, my love," he said in a soft voice. His voice in the morning always calms me down when I hear it. He stared at me happily until he quickly changed his expression into a puzzled look.

"Are you okay?" I ask as I begin to worry. "It's kinda weird..." He paused for a long time. I was in a real panic until he continued, "You woke up before me. That's very weird" he laughed as my face went back to normal and I started laughing too. "Be quiet! I'm not that lazy." I said as I slowly pushed him. "Yes yes," said the prince as he slowly sat up to stand up. I did the same. I got out of bed faster than him because I wanted to eat as soon as possible.

Willes POV:
"Babe?" asked the curly haired boy who had a huge smile on his face. I answered with a short "yes?" "What do we want to eat?" Simon asked as he kissed me on the mouth. "Whatever you want," I replied in a light voice. He then laughed and gave me another kiss.

We were both getting dressed when I heard a knock. Simon looked at me and yelled, "YES?!" The door opened and I saw Linda come in. "Hello you two. Did you sleep well?" she asked as she grinned slightly at us. I heard Sara from behind the door, giggling slightly, "Definitely, they more than slept!" Linda immediately turned and gave Sara a stay-out look. Me and Simon immediately blushed and Simon coughed slightly to avoid embarrassment. "SARA!" the curly haired boy next to me yelled in anger. "II'm still very tired because I had a very late shift yesterday. So I won't be able to make you any food. You have to take care of it yourself, yes simme?" Me and Simon nodded and when Linda closed the door again I said: "Can you cook?"

"Yes, mostly I learned from my mother. But do you know what I want Will?" "Hmm?" I asked as I stepped closer and grabbed his waist. "I want you to cook for us, love" I dropped my mouth when he said that. He knew very well I can't cook.

Simon's POV:
I knew full well he couldn't cook so I thought I'd challenge him. He had such a surprising face, but all I could do was laugh. "You know I can't do this! Don't do this to me!" he said as I looked into his eyes, stroking his hair and saying, "That's why I'll help you sometimes, but you're the boss." He giggled and got so close that the tips of our noses touched. "And what do I get for that? I'll cook for both of us." He came closer to me and whispered in my ear. I had around a million butterflies in my stomach as his whispering voice always made me weak. I kissed him with lots of love and whispered back, "You know exactly what you're getting." I walked away and left him there. I knew full well that he was blushing.

When we left our room, we immediately went to the kitchen and got to work on you. "So what do we want to cook will?" I asked as I met his eyes with a warm smile. "I really have no idea," he said. "What do you want?" I said. He grinned and bit his lip. "WILLE NOT NOW." I said as I rolled my eyes. He laughed. "How about pasta with a sauce?" I said hopelessly.

"Sounds good babe." He grabbed my hand and pushed me down to kiss me. I was very surprised, but I knew exactly what he wanted to do. We both kiss until our breathing becomes more and more in sync. "Ew not the pet names." When I heard Sara, I pushed Wille away and our lips parted. Sara gave us both an annoyed look and rolled her eyes. "I'm hungry, okay? If I see you guys again I'll tell mom." She laughed and walked away. Sometimes I hated Sara, but after the whole thing with August and the video, everything is ok again. "We'd better start cooking, otherwise we won't finish!" I said as I pulled out a pot and handed it to Wille. I explained everything to Will and he started cooking. First he turned on the stove and fetched them Pasta out. He purifies water and boils it. When the water was hot enough, he cleaned the pasta. As the pastas cooked, he prepared the sauce. As he did all this, I sat next to him and watched him. I love him so much. His hair, teeth, skin and every inch of his body. I'm so lucky to love someone who loves me too. I never thought that I would ever love someone the way I do them. My heart would stop beating if he were gone. His hand movements and his elegance. Everything about him brings me butterflies. I never thought I'd ever need him.

Wille's POV:
I knew he was staring at me but I was too focused on the food. I continued reading the recipe until I saw a step that really confused me. I also looked at the book very confused.

He immediately knew something was wring. "Are you okay babe? Do you want me to help you?" He got up and came to me. I gave him a little kiss and he looked at me confused. I said, "It says I'm supposed to stir it up in a really smooth bowl and then pour it over it. But I haven't finished the sauce yet." He laughed and turned the pages of the cookbook. "Babe..." he paused and giggled. He went behind my back, took both of my hands and put it in his. He was now holding both of my hands and began stirring the sauce with our hands. He laid his head on my shoulder and I smiled at him. "You have to stir like that." He showed me how to do it.

Our feet were twisted together and we kept stirring the sauce for a full 10 minutes. "Babe? I think the sauce is ready." He laughed and we both poured the sauce over the noodles. We were both still in our own world. We set the table and I heard the brown haired boy next to me calling his mother and Sara. I was very nervous as I've never really cooked except maybe made a salad.

(Although that's not cooking either)

I saw Sara and Linda come through the door. They both looked very surprised and they saw the table with the pasta, salad, bread and other things like salt and pepper. When we ate and Linda took the first bite, she looked at me very relaxed and proud. "Wow! You really did that?" she said. I laughed and looked at Simon. We both looked at each other for seconds. Linda coughed to bring her attention back to the food. "Um yeah. In the end, simme helped me, but otherwise I did everything myself." I said looking at Linda with a happy smile. Linda nodded and I looked at Sara. As always, Sara was annoyed, but I think she liked it. We all continued eating normally until I felt a hand on my thigh. Simon looked at me and grinned.

The hand kept going up until it was almost on my hip. I could feel Simon's legs slowly going into my legs. I was so nervous and my heart was beating so fast because Linda and Sara were sitting right next to us. I coughed and kept eating like nothing happened. My stomach is full of butterflies at the end and Simon didn't want to stop. When we were done, me and Simon went to my room and sat on the bed. We both were really very tired even though it was 7pm. It was pretty dark though, because it gets dark very early during the winter holidays.

We both lay down and I laid my head on Simon's chest. Our feet were on top of each other. Simon's fingers were in my hair and my hand was on his stomach. We both were under Simon's blanket.

Simon's POV:
"love?" I heard the prince say. I blushed and answered back softly, "What is it?" "School starts in a week..." "Yeah?..." "We're official and well..." His voice grew quieter. "Do you think people will see us. They will see us and laugh. They will point at us and laugh at us. They'll insult us and us-" I didn't want Wille to continue, so I kissed him lightly on the mouth. That always calms him down. "They will look at us. Yes, they might laugh. But you and me We're stronger than these fucking assholes. We will proudly walk down the aisle and show that we are proud. We are strong. We are brave. You are good, mi Amor." I spoke to calm him down. As I continued to stroke his hair and looked at him, I saw a happy smile on Wille's face. Then I slowly closed my eyes and said, "Even though I love you and could talk like this for a thousand years, I am very tired. So I'm going to sleep now."

At that, Wille looked up to stare into my eyes and said, "I'm tired too, but I still have a question." "Mhm?" "Mi amor?!" he laughed. "Oh shut up. Let me sleep." "I will, but I want to know what that means." He asked confused. I grinned and said, "mi Amor Means 'my love' in Spanish, babe." He blushed and his eyes shone like the moon in the night with nothing but love. "Ok..." he giggled. "Don't you like it?!" I called out nervously as I slowly began to look down. What if he doesn't like it? Should I stop? My head was full of worries. "Oh no. I love it just like I love you. "All of a sudden my worries were gone.

I smiled. "Good night mi Amor" I put an emphasis on mi Amor and as I was about to close my eyes all I could see was Wille smirking.
God I love him so much <3
and I especially love his cooking skills.

1844 words guys omg!
I know it's not that many but bcs im not professional, that's so many!!

You guys can still give me ideas or scenes you want to se :)

I think I saw this cooking thing somewhere and I really loved the idea so I made this into a hole day!

See you soon! <3

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