im here with you

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Willes POV:

"What's her name?" asked erik.
I can feel my breath getting heavier and heavier. My hands start shaking and I can feel my cheeks getting hot. I can feel my whole body sweating and I try to speak. But without success, because my body can't get a word out.
„Come on wille." He laughs,
"Is she cute?" Once I've calmed down a bit, I manage to get a few words out. "Um.. er- Erik, there's something I haven't told you."

It's always been difficult to talk about my sexuality as I've never been in agreement. It was especially hardest to tell my brother. My favorite person on this earth.
What if he doesn't accept me?
What if he doesn't love me anymore?
All these questions went through my head and would not leave me alone.

"What is the matter, little brother?" he had a smile on his lips, but it didn't last that long.
I close my eyes, take a deep breath and say it all in one go. "His name is Simon."

My eyes were still closed and I didn't even dare open them. He looked at me and sighed. When I open my eyes, his eyes were wide open. "What?" he suddenly screamed.
"YOU ARE SICK WILLHELM." He took a deep breath as he let out a loud sigh. "I'm- I'm sorry."
I can feel my eyes starting to fill with tears. The next moment they ran down my cheek. I can feel my face getting red and getting hotter as he started walking across the room. I sat there in tears and pain as he yelled at me louder and louder. "YOU ARE PRINCE WILLHELM. THAT IS NOT ALLOWED."
I was in so much pain, but what was bigger than the pain was the anger inside me.
God I was so mad at him I couldn't even think straight. The person I confide in the most yells at me and criticizes me for who I am. I look into his eyes as I slowly stand up and get closer and closer to him.
"I never wanted to be a prince. I never chose that."
I murmured. But loud enough for Erik to hear. I could tell nothing but the truth. I woke up something in him with that sentence because I saw his eyes fill with anger.
"WILLHELM. SOON THE CROWN WILL BE YOURS AND YOU CANNOT WEAR THE CROWN WITH A BOY. THAT'S NOT POSSIBLE." Several eyes slowly filled with tears as Erik left the room.
Before slamming the door behind him, he mumbled a sentence to himself.

"You're useless."

After he said that, I fell to the ground and let it all out.
My pain, my anger and my hate. I opened my eyes and almost fell out of my bed. I toss my head in my hands as I feel my face warm and sweaty.

I was shaking all over, but I calm down when I realize it was just a dream. My eyes were full of tears and my heart was full of pain. I quickly reach for my cell phone to text Simon. I need him by my side. I need him more than I've ever needed anyone.

When I open the chat, I pressed the phone to call him. A few seconds later I hear a voice that immediately calms me down. I couldn't think clearly, so I couldn't speak clearly either.
"Hey Wille. What's happening? It's almost 4 a.m.."
I started to speak, which I found difficult. "Um. I- I..."
My breathing became heavier and heavier as I flashed back from the dream. He noted what,
"Everything is fine, Wille. Stay where you are and I'll be right there. I'll be right with you."
I hung up and dropped the phone. 10 minutes later the door opened and I saw Simon running to me. He came to me and I could see the concern in his eyes.

"Wille. Im here don't worry." As he held my hand to help me, it felt like a stone fell from my heart.
As he helped me get up to lay me on the bed, he took off his shoes and we both sat on the bed.
We both sat across from each other and looked into each other's eyes.

"Thank you," I whispered as another tear fell from my eyes. He took his hand and wiped the tears from my face. "Would you like to tell me what happened?"

I sigh and walk closer to him. I nod slightly and close my eyes.
"It's all ok. You don't have to say anything."
I smile and start talking. "um..." He took his hands and put them in mine. i start to talk
"I've always been scared of talking to people about my sexuality. I've always been afraid of what people say. I never wanted people to gossip about me or worse. I had always problems with my title.
I never wanted to be a prince because I knew everything would change. Ever since I met you, I've understood everything. I know now that I like boys too. It was so hard after Erik died. Especially after the video. Everything changed after the video. Now we're happier than ever and.. I'm really grateful."

I sigh. "Today I had a dream. Well more of a nightmare. I was in this room and I was talking to Erik about you. Suddenly he was what your name is. In that moment I realized that I forgot that he has to say that you are a boy. I wasn't afraid to say it was you, but I was afraid of what he'd think of me..."
I paused to breathe.
"When I told him you were a boy he started yelling at me and putting me down." I sobbed. I couldn't speak properly anymore.

"The last sentence he said before he left the room: you are unnecessary. After that I woke up and called you."
I could see he had tears in his eyes and the next moment he leaned forward to hug me. I accepted gratefully.

We hugged for a few seconds until he leaned back to grab my face.
"It was just a dream. Nothing was real and I think your brother would have accepted you for sure. You don't have to worry, babe. I'll always be by your side okay?"
I nod and smile slightly. "May I kiss you?" He challenged in a low, shy voice.

"Please"He took my face and pressed my lips against his. His lips were soft as ever and his hair perfectly sorted. I suddenly feel a wave of happiness wash over me. I took my hand and slipped it through Simon's curls. He pulled away as he began to speak.
"Could we go back to sleep now?"
I giggled slightly and nodded. We both lay down so I was between his legs with my head on his chest. My hands were around his waist. I smiled as he started playing with my hair. A few minutes later, I realize that Simon has fallen asleep, which makes me uneasy as I just can't stop thinking about my dream.
"Simon?" I whispered.
No Answer.
"Simon?" I said louder. This time, he responds with a soft,
"What's up, babe?" I blushed a little at the name. "I can't sleep." I said. He opened his eyes to look down at me. "And what should I do?"
"Can... can you sing for me? I love your lovely singing and that always calms me down."
He giggled slightly and started singing.

I've found love, for me darling, just dive in and follow my lead.

I could feel his singing going through my whole body and calming me down.
He knew it was my favorite song and with his singing too.
I love him.
Well I found a boy handsome and sweet. I never knew you were the someone waiting for me.

Cause we were just kids when we fell in love, didn't know what it was, I won't give up on you this time, but darling, just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own.

His voice warmed my whole body and with that feeling I fell asleep.
With the feeling of love and care.
My head on his chest, my arms around his waist and my heart lost in his singing.
This is how I would like to fall asleep every day.

1473 words

Im sorry that this chapter is so short but school starts tmrw and today is my moms birthday

Thank you so fucking much for 1.01k readers
THIS IS INSANEE I love you all sm 💗🤭

Im also very sorry for the last chapter 😭
I have a very big idea I'm working on and
i think you will love it 👀

Thank you for reading this chapter and if you want to make me smile you can give me ur opinion to this chapter or vote ❤️

Comments always make me happy <3
See you next time and have a nice day

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