love letters pt.1

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(I lied it has more parts)

So. I just tried to fall asleep but for some reason this idea came to me.

And yes I am tired because it's 11pm and tomorrow I have school.

But who cares?


this is 99 percent fluff so enjoy.

Wille is a smart student who is terrible at flirting. But then he dares to write something to his crush Simon after years. But how will it go? How will the most famous student of the school react to it?

Will he find it sweet

Or the complete opposite?

"At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet."

Willes' pov:

'Julia no.' I sigh as I rest my face in my hands with a disappointed look.

'Why not? I mean, you've had a crush on him for two years. Besides, you can't lose anything...'

I looked up and looked at Julia with a hopeful look.

Julia has been my best friend since kindergarten and ever since the two of us had a fight in the sandbox, we've been inseparable. Julia is the only person I still trust. The only person who understands me and listens to me.

And for the past two years, I've had too much of a crush on a boy. And no, I don't have a crush on the outsider (although he's not bad looking), I have a crush on the most famous boy in school. I'm sure he's seen me before, but he's never exchanged a word with me. I'm also sure he doesn't know my name. Why should he? I mean, to him, I'm a stupid nerd. To his stupid friends, I'm also just a person standing there. Or maybe they don't even know me.

But it's nothing new for someone to have a crush on him.

The first time I saw him, it was like he awakened something in me.

I don't know how to describe it, but....

Every time he walks into the room, my heart aches and my emotions explode.

I try to talk and fail again. And when he walks in, it's almost like he awakens the room.

His smile lights up and his perfect curls move as he walks.

Sun-tanned skin and honey-colored hair.

Deep brown eyes that hold old wounds ga

Pain trying to push its way to the surface.

He smiles in my direction and I feel like I cant escape.

The good and the bad shown clear as day on his beautiful face.

Ive never felt such a strong urge to talk to someone.

Its so frustrating because I don't even know what It is about him.

But it is something.

Something that pulls me towards him.

A few weeks ago, Julia suggested that I write a love letter to him. But I can't write a love letter out of the blue.

What if he finds out?

I could never forgive myself.

He will find out Julia. I'm sure of it and then everything will be so weird.'

I groaned loudly out of frustration.

He won't find out anything. He is not interested in you. Then he won't even know that you exist'.

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