husband and wife

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*in their room*

Mitsuki:*changed his clothes* *mind:I wonder how Chocho's doing*

Chocho:*comes out of the dressing room* uhh umm... Do I look ok? *wearing a long pink dress*


Chocho mind: jeez is he not going to say anything? he's really creepy then again he's orochimarus's son what should I expect

*Knocking on the door*

Chocho & Mitsuki:hm?

Mitsuki:*opens the door* yes?

Maid: prince mitsuki...

Chocho mind:Well this place doesn't look all bad but....but what about orochimaru he's known as the cruelest of the cruel a cold-blooded man and people say that his son's are no better now I'm his wife!!

Mitsuki:*turns around* *closes the door*

Chocho:*sudden chill*

Mitsuki: my parent wants to meet u tonight for dinner would u like that?

Chocho:oh...*mind:I'm kinda scared but then again I've never tasted sound kingdom food mMmM...* hmm.. ok I would like that

Mitsuki:great we still have a lot of time left let me give u tour of the palace



Mitsuki: and that's the way to the kitchen and that-

Chocho:*looks unimpressed*

Mitsuki:hm I apologize if I'm boring u I'm not as thrilling or very social unlike my sister but-

Chocho:wait u have a sister?! I thought orochimaru only had two kids!!

Mitsuki:yes me and my older brother are my parent's biological children tho my sister isn't she grew up with me and I like to think of her as my sister simply bc to me she is

Chocho:hm *mind: oh that's actually pretty sweet* so where is she now?

Mitsuki:she got married a year ago and lives with her husband and she visits every now then


*Later in the palace garden*

Chocho:woah I've never seen a scene so beautiful

Mitsuki:this garden was originally built for me and my sister to play in

Chocho:your sister has good taste

Mitsuki: thank u


Chocho:wow *bumps into someone* ow! Heyyyyy.....

Log:hmm...*eldest son of orochimaru and current general of the sounds army*

Mitsuki:oh hello log

Log: hello mitsuki welcome home

Mitsuki:yes thank u oh and I would like to introduce to u my wife Chocho, Chocho this is my older brother log

Chocho:oh hello it's nice to meet u

Log:and u as well. I have to go I have a meeting see u at dinner

Chocho:why do u two look so much alike?

Mitsuki:it's a complicated story

Chocho:he's the oldest right is he married?

Mitsuki: no log had never been interested in marriage or love


*later at dinner*


Mitsuki: don't be nervous come on


Everyone:*sitting at the dining table*

Suigetsu:oh finally are u going to be late all the time?

Karin:oh be quiet idiot!

Orochimaru:oh Chocho it's nice to finally meet u *grins*

Chocho:*gets huge chills*


Suigetsu:*bragging about something*




Suigetsu:yo Karin! *Hits her with his elbow* remember that time we-

Karin:*hits him*


Karin:shut up already!! So we can have nice peaceful dinner!💢💢


Log:I agree

Karin:so chocho are u feeling comfortable here

Chocho: yeah I guess

Suigetsu:heh oh is this palace not toy our liking princess spoiled bra-

Karin:*smashes his face into the table* *nervous laugh* I'm sorry chocho pls ignore my idiotic husband hahaha!

*Later after dinner in their room*

Chocho:*sitting on the bed* *wearing a nightgown* *scared*

Mitsuki:*lays down* Chocho... I'm tired why don't we go to sleep now

Chocho:?!! O-ok *lays down* hmm...


Chocho:i-is this normal here hmm... Oh well

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