I care about him

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*on the battlefield*

*The aftermath*

Guy:*crawling* *reaching for a sword* *gets stabbed in the hand* ahhh!!!

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Guy:*crawling* *reaching for a sword* *gets stabbed in the hand* ahhh!!!

Haku:oh look we left one

Mitsuki:shall we take care of it

Haku: hehehe

Guy:n-no I beg u pls spare me!!

Mitsuki & Haku:*look at each other*

Haku: Well ok but...

Mitsuki: go to back to your lord and tell him this "if he doesn't agree to the peace treating-

Haku: this will be the land of snow's faith"

Guy:*runs away*

Haku:damn that felt good rigth mitsuki... Mitsuki?

Mitsuki:*coughs out blood*

Haku: MITSUKI!!!

*back at the sound palace gates*

Jugo:*holding a bird* So peaceful

Suigetsu:uggghhhh!! Why do we have to be here it's sooo boring!!


Suigetsu: huh?! Hey look what is that?!


Horse:*running towards the date*

Haku:*riding it*

Mitsuki:*bleeding badly*

Suigetsu: haku mitsuki!?

*inside the palace*

Chocho mind: hmm... Grr stop thinking about him Chocho it's only been 2 days but... Ugh!!

*Medics running across the hallway*


Karin: hurry he needs medical attention now!!

Chocho:Karin! What's going on?!

Karin: it's mitsuki he's been injured badly!


*in the medical ward*

Haku:the needle is blocking his blood stream we have to remove it!

Karin:ok ok I'll take care of this come on I need your help


Chocho: mitsuki!

Gaurd:I'm sorry princess you're not allowed in there


*in the operation room*

Haku:*injecting him with anesthetic* his wound seems pretty deep will have to cut through the flesh to get it out

Karin:*puts on her gloves* understood haku skaple



Karin: Chocho

Chocho: Karin! i-s mitsuki ok your is he?!

Karin: he's fine he's just suffered some blood loss he needs some rest u can go see him

Chocho:*goes into the room* mitsuki!

Mitsuki:*laying unconscious on his bed*

Chocho:*sits next to him*

Mitsuki:*opens his eyes* *looks at her* Chocho...*smile*

Haku:*leaning against the wall behind her* *mind:so that's mitsuki's wife huh heh he has really wierd taste hahaha!*

*The next day*

Chocho:*walking through the hallway* *mind: Karin said mitsuki should be good by tomorrow....gahh!!! What is going on with me!* *Bumps into someone* oh I'm so-uhh....

Kagura:oh I'm sorry I didn't see u

Chocho:oh no it's fine hm? Hey u look familiar for some reason

Kagura:oh rigth, I'm prince kagura karatachi of the mist kingdom it's nice to meet u

Chocho: you're kagura karatachi?!

Kagura:yes and your princess Chocho your mitsuki's wife right

Chocho: y-yeah.... Wait how do u know mitsuki?

Kagura:oh well I actually I'm-

Haku: KAGURA!!! *jumps on him*

Kagura:ahh! H-haku hey!

Chocho: !?!

Kagura:uh umm princess Chocho this is my wife-

Haku: Haku hōzuki I'm mitsuki's sister *the greatest swordsmen in the kingdom/world*

Chocho:oh so your haku mitsuki talk about u alot

Haku: well it's nice to finally meet u chocho oh and u don't have to worry about mitsuki

Chocho:eh?! i-I'm not worried! I could care less about him!

Haku:hmm...*doesn't believe her* heh ok then suit yourself come on kagura

Kagura: oh ok bye Chocho

Chocho: bye....*mind: why did I say that I mean even tho I don't like him that much after hearing about what happened I guess....I actually do care about him*

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