I'll protect u

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Chisoki:*swings his sword*


Mitsuki:*blocks him*

Haku: mitsuki!!

Mitsuki:don't worry I got u

Chisoki:haha ohh look what we have here prince mitsuki and haku hōzuki

Haku & Mitsuki:hmm....


*huge explosion in one of the castle rooms*

Haku:what the?!!

Mitsuki:haku go!


Mitsuki:go I've got it from here!

Haku: fine!! *runs off*


Mitsuki: Chocho u go too

Chocho: what? But...

Mitsuki: go!

Chisoki:oh no u don't! *attacks her*


Mitsuki:*blocks him* get away from her!!

Chisoki: grrr

Mitsuki:Chocho get out of here!!


Chisoki:*attacks him again*

Mitsuki:*kicks him*



Chisoki:*stabs him*


Chocho:*frozen in place*

Mitsuki:*punches him* *takes out the knife* grah...

Chocho: m-mitsuki...

Mitsuki:cho...cho... RUN!!

Chisoki:*runs at her* ahh!!

Mitsuki:*tackles him to the ground*

Chocho:*runs away*

Mitsuki: stay away from her!

Chisoki:heh! *tries to stab him*


Chisoki:*takes out a small long knife* *stabs him*


Chisoki:*kicks him* *pins him down* *about to stab him*

Chocho:*stabs him in the back*

Chisoki: gahh!!

Chocho:*kicks him*

Chisoki: y-you bitch...



Mitsuki:*gets Infront of her*

Chocho: mitsuki?!


Mitsuki:stay... away... From my wife


Chisoki:haha pls I have no business with her I was sent here to kill u since she seems so special to u I'll kill her right Infront of u


Chisoki:*attacks him*

Mitsuki:*blocks him*

Chocho: ahh!

Mitsuki:who sent u?!!

Chisoki:ohoho now u ask!!


Chisoki:well to answer your question I was sent here by the lord of the snow

Mitsuki:ofc u were gah! *mine: I need to wrap this up or else I'll bleed myself to death my wounds still haven't fully healed*

Chisoki:*attacks him*


Haku:*pounces on him* *bites his neck*


Haku:*bites harder*

Chisoki:get off me!!! *rapidly loosing blood* get... Off... Ah.......

Haku:*gets up* *spits out some blood* ...... Mitsuki!

Mitsuki:it's fine... I'm... Fi- *faints*

Chocho:*catches him* mitsuki!!


Chocho: mitsuki!! Mitsuki hold on plss!!

Mitsuki:*touches her cheek* *smile* Chocho...

Haku:stop talking idiot!! *trying to stitch his wounds*

Chocho:plss hold on mitsuki just hang on *holds his hand* *crying*

Mitsuki: Cho...cho...*passes out*

Haku & Chocho: MITSUKI!!!!!!!!

*later in the medical ward*

Chocho:*waiting outside*

Haku:*comes out*

Chocho: haku is he going to be ok?! How is he?!

Haku: he's wounds have reopened and they've gotten worse bc of the fight he lost to much blood but don't worry we managed to stitch them up but he's going to be out of it for a long time

Chocho:*crying* *runs into the room*

Mitsuki:*laying on his bed*

Chocho: mitsuki....*holds his hand* i-I'm so sorry...

Haku:*looks away*

Chocho: haku...


Chocho: u said that my father arranged this marriage rigth

Haku: yeah?

Chocho: tell me everything

married to a loyal snake Where stories live. Discover now