Yusei's Lucky Teddybear

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They all stared at Yusei and Crow carried him off towards his duel runner then drove to Martha's as fast as he could.

Once they got there Crow rushed inside with a sleeping Yusei with him."Martha you gotta check this out hurry!"Leo said pushing Martha in the room lightly.

"Now Leo it can't be that serious" Martha said smiling warmly at him then looked into the room and almost fainted from the cute sight she saw.

Yusei was sucking his thumb laying on Crows shoulder and it seems his gotten a bit shorter and his hair was all over the place.It was a beautiful sight to see and it only got cuter when he started waking up rubbing his eyes with cute chubby hands.

"Awww!"They all said looking at him."Yusei what happened to you?"Crow asked looking at him. Yusei looked at the window and saw a butterfly flying by and got off Crows lap and stumbled trying to stay up to get to his destination.

He ended up going to the door trying to get out and explore the big world.He hit the door with his chubby hands and laid his head on it.

They looked at Martha and she went over to him and picked him up kissing his forehead.He started playing with her hair and laid on her shoulder.

"Can someone explain to me why's there a two year old toddler in my house that happens to look just like Yusei when he was smaller?" she asked looking at them."Martha we don't even know what happened" Akiza said looking at her.

"Jack, didn't you wish that Yusei was weak like a toddler?" Bruno asked looking at him."Yeah,so what's your point!"Jack yelled annoyed."Maybe somehow your wish came true"was all Bruno replied before playing pik a boo with Yusei.

Yusei pulled on Bruno's hair softly put his face in it."Yusei's not a talker when he's a baby is he?"Leo asked poking baby Yusei in the arm.

"Oh no he was a the talker! he tried to talk all the time and learned very fast how to talk and say big words like acceleration and perpetrators before he even hit the age of two"Martha said looking back at the cutie in her arms.

"Yusei, sweet,can you say congregation for me?"she asked smiling at him.He stared at her yawned and laid back down on her shoulder."I guess he's a little sleepy after all he is a baby" "Martha,how old do you think he is?" Crow asked.

"Yusei open your mouth for me sweety"Martha said and he yawned again and she looked in his mouth."He one"she declared looking at them."No way!seriously!"they all exclaimed loudly."Shh!no I was only kidding he's two like you guys said."Martha said smiling.

Martha gave Yusei to Luna and went to get something for him.Luna looked down smiling as she held him like a baby.She remembered when she had a nightmare and Yusei was there to hold her until she fell asleep.

They all looked up and saw Martha with a red teddy bear with a hat on it in her hand.Yusei looked at it and reached for it whining when he didn't get it.Martha gave it to him and he started playing with it."Bi……mo"they all looked at him surprised and smiled cuz his voice was the cutest thing to listen to.

"Is that the name of your teddy?Akiza asked." Yes" Yusei said rolling on the floor."Yusei do you
remember us?"Crow asked kneel down."No"he said reaching up for Crow.Crow picked him up and swung him around." Wee!againy againy!"he said giggling and clapping his little hands.

"I think I'm already liking this" Crow admitted smiling."He's so adorable! and he's so tiny!"Luna and Akiza squeaked with joy and excitement.

" Oh come on!he's just a little brat now nothing new he's always been a little brat!" Jack said crossing his arms."Me down pwease" Yusei asked nicely.Crow put him down and Yusei walked over and kicked Jack in the shin and stuck out his tongue.

"Meanie pants"he said and ran behind Martha and Martha laughed."Martha he hit me!do something!" Jack yelled angrily." No, Jack you actually deserved that."Martha said picking Yusei up again.

" My bear"Yusei said hugging his bear softly."Alright little man time for you to eat then after lunch you take a nap, are we clear?"Martha asked softly." Aye Auntie Martha!"Yusei said saluting her."Alright solider dismissed" she said laughing." Yes mame."he said crawling to the kitchen.

They went in there and got him a sandwich and strawberries.They ate too and Yusei threw a strawberry at Jack and giggled.

"I hate him!"Jack yelled angrily." M' sowwy"Yusei said and started crying."Oh no please don't cry look I'm being funny"Crow said making funny face.Yusei reached out to Akiza and she picked him up trying to calm him down.

After an hour of crying and shushing he fell asleep on Akiza and Martha put him to bed with his new teddy.

"Jack,your are going to have to learn to be nice to him"Martha said looking at him."Why should I be nice to that that brat!"Jaxj asked. Because you're taking care of him since you wished him to be this age and there won't be no if ands or buts about it"Martha said walking away.

"That's what you get Jack"Crow said smiling at him." Shut up birdbrain" Jack grumbled.They waited two hours and Jack had to go home and get his car and a car seat for Yusei.

Jack picked him up and put him in the car seat."Alright Jack make sure you have everything on this list.Its very important to keep with you at all times"Martha said giving it to him and Jack drove off with Yusei in the back seat crying now that he was awake.Jack slupped over and hit his head already regretting this, yes today was going to be along day indeed.

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