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Bash knew that Kenna was upset with him.

Perhaps it was the way he recoiled at her touch, or the fact that he had spent the last month or so spending time with Delphine and trying to decipher her prophecies. Either way, she wasn't exactly thrilled with his indiscretion.

So, yes, if anyone at court asks, Bash was prepared it say that he and his wife were going through a rough patch. But honestly, who's fault was it? Was it his, for doing whatever it takes to defend and protect the King of France and his realm? Or was it hers, spending every moment she could in the arms of just about anyone who could promise her a life of fortune.

You're married to the brother of the King of France. Bash wanted to scream at her, more than once. You're already destined to a life of fortune.

He never screamed that, of course. While Bash certainly felt the anger in his bones whenever it came to Kenna, no, especially in the case of Kenna,

But none of that mattered. Kenna didn't want to wait for Bash to slay his demons and then come home to her to enjoy their life at French court. And so, Bash had spent the past few weeks in the woods surrounding the castle and beyond, trying to find anyone – anyone at all – who had been in contact with Delphine. Though Delphine had been burnt at the stake just weeks ago, Bash needed to know what her prophecy meant for the King and Queen of France.

A rose will fall, and so will a head.

Be careful, take heed, or tears will shed.

Lest you want a life of sorrow, yet again.

Those three simple lines have been echoing in Bash's head for weeks now – to the point where he felt as though he was going insane.

And yet, countless rides into the villages surrounding the castle, at least a dozen potential witnesses to Delphine and her magic, and 4 dead ends later – Bash still had no idea what to make of this ill-fated prophecy. And whether he should warn the King and Queen of France.

So that morning, when he finally rode back to the castle after his week's long investigation (that, as we know, led nowhere), he felt queasy as he noticed the countless rows of roses in the Castle's front gardens. Surely, the prophecy couldn't be referring to a rose, literally?

Even more so, he felt queasy when he learned of Mary and Francis' marital bliss.

"Did you hear?!" Bash heard one of the maids exclaim in the back gardens, as he brought his horse back to the royal stables. "The King and Queen have been spending quite a lot of awful time in BED this morning."

So much for privacy for the King and Queen of France, Bash thought to himself, as he made is way out of the stables, past the back gardens and the gossiping maids, and to his chambers. The one he shared with Lady Kenna.

When Bash entered his bed chambers, for the first time in weeks, he felt as though it looked dimmer and drearier than usual. While the sun was shining down on French Court this morning, it certainly wasn't shining down on Lady Kenna, who was lying on their bed, and looking at him with contempt and disapproval.

She looked beautiful of course. Her long, brown hair was in messy curls gently framing her face and the silk pillows where she laid her head. She was wearing a light, laced nightgown which hugged her waist just perfectly. Even when she was angry, she managed to be breathtaking. Given that Bash had tried to spend the past few weeks trying to forget about his wife, he found her beauty to be infuriating.

"Oh, so now you're back." Kenna retorted, as she propped herself on her elbow so she could meet Bash's gaze.

"Only briefly," Bash said, placing his leather satchel on their table, and began rummaging around their chambers. "I have a few things to pick up before I go back."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2022 ⏰

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