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"Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end"


Mary Stuart woke up with joy and peace in her heart. She couldn't remember the last she was this well rested, this content, this happy.

As Mary turned in her soft, warm bed, her eyes squinted at the morning sun which slowly crept into the room, giving everything -- including her life -- light. Mary blinked as the suns gentle rays hit her eyes, and felt her entire body relax into the softness of her bed. If she wasn't a Queen -- a queen with a nation to protect -- perhaps she could stay in bed with her love, all day.

"Mary..." Francis whispered, a timid drowsiness creeping into his voice as his arm slowly wrapped itself across Mary's body. As her eyes slowly encumbered to the calls of sleep, Mary turned towards her love and planted a light kiss on Francis' collarbone. Sighing, Mary slowly recalled the events of last night.

She and Francis spent the day swimming, picnicking, and uhm yes, making love by a secret, secluded pond they discovered en route to Paris. A Queen and a King don't exactly get a lot of opportunities to enjoy each other's company, without the dreadful nature of French politics getting in the way. As she and Francis let the privacy and comfort of this hidden oasis take them away for a day, Mary let herself be young and free -- like how she and Francis were as children all those years ago. By the time evening hit, both Francis and Mary were simply too exhausted to continue their trip to Paris and ended up back at the castle where, yes, they shared a bed for the first time since...well, the whole Condé mess.

Mary wasn't proud of how she handled that situation, nor her pain. But nonetheless, this morning, she found herself back in the arms of the man she truly loved and felt her heart sigh in content. Perfect, blissful, content.

"Francis," Mary mumbled into his neck, her fingers absentmindedly tracing his ear. "We should get up, we have two countries to lead, after all."

Francis shook his head, his golden curls fluttering across his eyes as he pulled Mary in tighter. "Absolutely not." He whispered in Mary's ear. Mary shuddered at the feeling of his breath against his neck.

"We have commitments," Mary muttered, letting her fingers trace down Francis's neck to his chest. "obligations, and engagements to attend to."

"Well," Francis began, as he sat up, resting his weight on his elbows with Mary still on his side. "In case you've forgotten, I am the King of France. So the only way we can get in trouble for being a tad late for our commitments, obligations, and engagements, is if I declare it so."

Mary raised an eyebrow. "Alright, I'll play," She said, slightly amused, propping herself on her elbow. "What does his Majesty, the King of France, decree on this occasion?"

"I decree," Francis began, a playful smirk beginning to form on his lips as he wrapped his fingers around Mary's waist and slowly positioned himself on top of her, letting Mary feel the full weight of his body, "that we make the most of lost time," he murmured as he started to kiss Mary's neck and make his way, slowly, to her stomach, "cherish each other for the rest of our lives..."

"Francis," Mary muttered softly, feeling her breath hitch has Francis' lips latched onto her delicate collarbone.

"And spend the morning together, in bed." Francis finished, as he let his fingers gently trace along the curves of Mary's hips.

"Francis..." Mary whispered, as she and Francis locked eyes – her dark brown eyes meeting his bright, blue, ocean ones.

"Yes?" Mary couldn't help but notice how Francis's gaze softened whenever he looked at her, especially as of late. Yes, they've had their issues; from the attack on the castle to her short-lived but damaging affair with Condé, Mary knew that it hadn't been easy. But now, she was here. With him. And there was nothing in the world, no higher power, no disease, no powerful monarch, that could ever have any hopes in separating them. From now on and forevermore, Francis and Mary were together – and would rule side-by-side as King and Queen.

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