Part 3

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Working in the cool air of Charming, Natasha is rummaging through car parts as she working on a car that some smart-mouthed guy brought in. Despite how rude some customers could be, Natasha loved working in the garage as it is her way of relaxing which is quickly ruined when she spotted the only and one, Tara Knowles getting out of her car before heading her way causing Natasha to scoff.

Natasha being Natasha and doing what she does best, chose to confront the elderest Knowles after she stopped working on the car in front of her. Even though Natasha wasn't biologically Tig's daughter, she sure as hell as inherited that Trager temper which is why she decided to control her rage when she came face-to-face with her sister.

"The hell you doing here?" Natasha growled

"I've come to talk to you." Tara explained.

"Talk? You lost that right when you left Charming without looking back and not saying a word to me after you left." Natasha laughed

"I didn't come here to argue with you." Tara sighed

"Why did you come here than? And don't say to talk cos I know that you didn't just come to see how I am or any of the bullshit." Natasha snapped

By the time the conversation came loud enough to hear, Natasha spotted out the corner of her eye that a few of the guys were placed at the picnic tables outside the clubhouse watching the whole exchange play out.

"Alright fine — I'm selling the house as dad has died. I wanted to ask if you were interested in the house before I sell it. I knew how close you were with dad and I figured that the house meant as much to you as it did to him." Tara confessed, causing Natasha to shake her head.

"You see, the thing is if you were around more, you would of seen that I was never close with your father and I hated ever second of living in that house when we were younger." Natasha stated.

"Look I know that you are upset that I left but -" Tara began to huff but Natasha cut her short

"No you don't know shit. That man over there is my father, not that piece of shit you call dad so why would I want that the house that you grew up in." Natasha snapped as her finger pointed towards Tig who is sat outside the clubhouse

"Look whether you like it or not, you grew up in that house too and not just me. I thought it would of been nice if the house is kept in the family, like dad would have wanted." Tara harshly commented.

"I didn't grow up in that house at all — if you paid any sort of attention to what was really going on, you would of known that I spent the majority of my time staying at the clubhouse or Tig's house as I was too scared to go home." Natasha confessed, leaving a shocked look to appear on Tara's face.

"I didn't know that it had gotten that bad" Tara muttered

"Well now you know and if that's all you have got to say than you can leave. I've got a shit tone of cars to work on." Natasha harshly stated

"Fine I'll go but I'll give you a few days to think about the house incase you change your mind" Tara offered, heading towards her car.

"Keep the few days cos I ain't gonna change my mind" Natasha called out, causing Tara to slightly look over her to shoulder at her sister

Not even bothering to watch her sister drive out of the lot, Natasha turned her attention back to the car she had previously just been working on before Tara turned up.

Letting out a sigh, Natasha began sorting threw some tools before placing her hands inside the engine of the car which she had hoped to relieve some of her tension that she had gotten from the conversation with Tara but it was clear that it barely scraped the surface which soon caught Tig's attention causing him to wander over to his daughter.

"Everything okay, kiddo? Wanna talk about what had just happened with Tara? Might get rid of some of that anger which is steaming out of your ears." Tig offered, softly placing a hand on her shoulder

"I can't believe she had the guts to turn up and say that shit to me." Natasha sighed, turning her attention to her father

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