Part 20

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Eight months had gone by since Natasha had told Happy the news about her being pregnant, along with everyone else and in that time period, the two had managed to get back on track since the argument and their friendship continued to blossom without there being another sexual encounter being involved and with that being said, Happy and Natasha has also been planning for baby number two and neither of them could wait for the baby to come.

On the other hand, that didn't stop Natasha from noticing the endless amounts of late nights Happy would be having over these past few months which only left her confused at what he could possibly be doing, especially since it left him coming home with a glow in his eyes and that being said, Natasha took the opportunity with her her being over for dinner and to se the baby to question the older male on what is going on with the father of her children.

"Hey Dad, you know what's going on with Grumpy? He's been coming home late near enough every night for the past few months and he's even out pretty much most days as well. Is there something going on with the club I should know about?" Natasha curiously questioned from beside her father at the couch while Archie played on the floor with some toys

"Oh there's nothing for you to worry about with the club — it's just we've been busier than usual but it won't be for that much longer before you get him all to yourself again." Tig smiled while covering up from what is really happening

Nodding her head at the answer given to her by her father, Natasha picked up Archie in her arms before settling him down for the night with funny faces being made all the face to his bedroom before confessing to her father that she is going to turn in for the night also and he's more than welcome to stay on the couch for the night as it is too late to ride home which the offer was gladly taken.


By the time everyone had settled in for the night, it didn't take long before the morning came around again and Natasha finding herself outside the clubhouse due to waking up to there being no Happy in the house leaving her to think something may have happened and wanting to make sure that she is thinking isn't true. Wandering into the clubhouse, the female found Bobby sunk into the couch while playing his guitar before giving her a smile when she had completely entered the room.

"Morning darling. Everything okay with you and the baby? You look a bit worried." Bobby softly questioned

"Everything is okay with me and the baby — I'm just wondering where Grumpy is. Just wanted to check up on him as he didn't come home last night. I figured that he must have been here since he was out late dealing with club business." Natasha commented leaving some confusion to appear on the male

"Club business? Did Happy tell you that's what he was doing last night?" Bobby asked while he stopped playing his guitar and sat up straighter

"No — that's what my father told me. Why would he tell me that if he wasn't true?" Natasha shook her head while she realised that she had been lied to.

"I don't know, darling but I wouldn't go thinking the worst — I'm sure your dad had a good reason to say what he had said and I'm 100% sure that Happy wasn't with a crow eater last night. He cares about you too damn much to be fucking about." Bobby assured

Placing a kiss on Bobby's cheek, Natasha wandered out of the clubhouse only to see Happy getting off his bike and headed in her direction before greeting her with a smile which she gladly returned once they had met each other in the middle.

"Sorry I didn't let you know that I wasn't coming home last night, I got caught up in something that I've been working on these past few months." Happy stated while he briefly stroked Natasha's baby bump before removing his hand

"What have you been working on? A new bike?" Natasha questioned with curiosity

"I've got something even better...I can show you."

Smiling at the female, Happy took out his hand resulting in Natasha to grab ahold of it before guiding her to the passenger seat of her car before hopping in the car himself and driving the two of them out of the lot and towards apart of Charming that is on the quiet side of town and this only lead to the female to have her jaw drop when she noticed her dream house standing tall when Happy had parked the car leaving the male to slightly chuckled at her reaction. As the two of them came out of the car, Happy was quick to come to Natasha's side before helping her closer to the house leaving her to start tearing up at the view in front of her.

"How-I-I don't understand how this house could be standing in front of me right now. This house is the house I've been dreaming of since I was little and my father is the only one who has seen the plans I've made so how is this even possible?" Natasha question with a slight stutter as she tried to wrap her head around the situation

"I was trying to come up with ways to make things right with you after the argument we had all those months ago and I remembered you talking a mile a minute to me about the house you were going to built so I asked Tig for the plans you drew so I could built it for you and well here it is." Happy commented leaving more shock to appear

"What? I already told you that I forgave you for what happened and that you didn't need to do anything further so there must be another reason as to why you'd built this house." Natasha replied, now facing the male stood to her left

"I built it for us, for our family...that's what I want us to be, a family. I want to grow old with you and to be able to look back and to be forever grateful that you are my wife and the mother of my children. I want to do it all with you...with the love of my life" Happy confessed

As tears flew down the female's face, Natasha just looked at the male before pulling him in for a kiss which he gladly returned and continued for a few moments before Natasha pulled away and spoke, "Then let's do it all, every damn thing."

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