Part 14

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Since the lockdown had been lifted allowing everyone to go back home, it didn't take long before Natasha removed all the paintings on her bedroom walls leaving the room to be filled with white walls. Natasha didn't remove any of the other paintings around the rest of the house because they didn't trigger her like the ones that were once on her bedroom walls.

Standing in the middle of the room, Natasha looked over the walls multiple times to ensure that she had definitely covered all the paintings with white paint before her father had entered the room before looking at the walls she had just finished painting before turning his attention over to his daughter.

"Fancy something different, huh? Or couldn't find anymore space for new drawings?" Tig spoke softly, placing himself next to his daughter

"Fancied something different. Couldn't stand looking at those paintings anymore." Natasha confessed, before wiping the paint brush clean

"You should have asked me or Happy to help you paint the walls white — it isn't good for you to be taking in all these fumes." Tig stated, pushing the window further open.

"I've already spoke to Grumpy about it — well he did the talking but there's nothing to worry about, I'm gonna stay in the guest room with Grumpy tonight so I ain't taking in anymore of these fumes." Natasha confessed leaving her father to nod

"What happened to you in that place? Something must have happened because you can't stand to be in this room longer than you have too and you've only stayed in here as long as you have because you desperately wanted to get rid of the paintings on the walls." Tig softly questioned, guiding the two of them out the room and towards the living room

"Nothing" Natasha quickly commented while she placed herself on the couch with Tig taking a seat next to her

"Natasha, please talk to me!" Tig softly plead, placing a hand on top of his daughter's hand

"He just played games with me." Natasha answered, not being able to look at her father in the eye

"What kind of games?"

"Truth or dare? Who do you love more, me or the club? Who gets to die today — the Niners, the Mayans or the SONS? You decide or you get punished. Lots and lots of games." Natasha answered, now looking down at her hands instead of the wall

"That room in there is your room, this life is your life and this baby is your's and Happy's baby so anything you want - anything at all, don't hesitate to say the words and your wish is my command." Tig softly explained, taking Natasha's chin in his hand so she can look at him.

With tears coming to her eyes, Natasha doesn't say anything all and decides to hold onto her father instead leaving Tig to wrap his arms around in daughter and returning the hug which they had held this position until Tig had decided it was time to build the crib for the baby with the help of a prospect and when checking on the progress, Natasha's waters decide to break leaving a panic to rise in both the female's and her father's face, resulting in Tig to rush both himself and Natasha into the car before heading over to Saint Thomas with the prospect trailing behind them.

When managing to get to Saint Thomas in time, a doctor had been lurking around the reception doing some paperwork before noticing Tig helping Natasha into the building causing the female doctor to grab ahold of a wheelchair that was close by before guiding Natasha into a delivery room with Tig and the prospect coming into the room once Natasha had gotten onto the bed and into a delivery position.

Taking deep breaths before getting ready to push, Natasha just looked over at her father and the prospect before speaking, "Call Grumpy right now and tell him I'm in labour. I know he wouldn't want to miss this for a second."

Doing what had been ordered by Natasha, the prospect quickly called Happy to tell him the news and the male had arrived at Saint Thomas in record speed, along with a few other SONS before heading into the delivery room and placing himself next to the bed where his son is getting delivered and holding onto Natasha's hand which she gladly took.


Hours of pushing and screaming later, Archie Lowman had finally been delivered and now in the arms of his father with Natasha looking over from the bed she is laying in with a huge smile on her face as she watched Happy interact with the baby leaving her with a content feeling. Both Natasha and Happy didn't know how the co-parenting thing is going to go but they know that they will try their hardest to make it work in order for their kid to have the best life possible

"Hey, Grumpy? Will you promise me something?" Natasha asked, drawing the male's attention away from the sleeping baby in his arms

"What is it that you need?" Happy replied

"Archie is going to get to an age where there will be a chance that he'll start asking about how he was made and how babies are made. Promise me that we'll tell him that the reason is because we had sex and not because some arsehole had stole your semen and impregnated me with it. I don't want him thinking that he is some laboratory experiment or some shit like that." Natasha explained, earning a look of understanding from the male sat next to her

"That sounds like a good plan, Tasha. I promise that will be the story we will tell him and not the story we lived through. I think it's safe to say that neither of us want to traumatise little man over here. He's perfect and we don't want to do any damage to that." Happy nodded

Smiling at Happy's willingness to the promise, Natasha enjoying the rest of the evening with Happy in the hospital and their baby who is now sleeping the temporary moses basket placed to the bed instead of his arms while Natasha chewed the male's ears off about all the things she wanted the both of them to do with the baby once she is released from the hospital.

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