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It's bad enough you had to deal with a whole bunch of crazy shit after the heaven and hell, war. Hunts none stop. Depression. PTSD. But what shocks you the most, was a man You though to be trapped inside hells cage as Lucifers vessel, and with the Angel Michel, was at the door to your motel.

And now? You were on a case with the Winchester brothers. The truth goddess. And the even worse thing about this was, both you and Dean were cursed by her.

All you did was leave the small motel to grab a few things from the gas station, but due to your curse, people speak their mind. Telling you the honest truth of what they thought of you. These Ranging from insults to dirty thoughts about you.

You couldn't Handle the lack of self esteem and discomfort. And by time you got home, your eyes were clouded with tears. People really were cruel. And yet you work to save their asses every day and they dont even know about it.

You walked into the motel, placing the bag on the counter and grabbing out a Red Bull. The motel was empty, giving you time to let your emotions out without people to hide from. Sitting on the bed, you opened the Red Bull, taking a few drinks before placing it in the table besides you.

A sniffle came from you, as you stared at the carpet in front of you blankly, the insults and other things running through your mind. How could you be so sensitive? You shouldn't be whining over shit Like this. All you need to do Is help Sam and Dean. Just like you've always done. But now you're making it about yourself. Damn it, why were you so sensitive?!

By now, Tears pulled out of your eyes. You drank even more of the large energy drink, the carbonation burning your mouth as it coated your throat.

Yet again, you placed the drink down, before bringing your hand to your face, rubbing your tears. "Y/n?" A sudden voice rang from behind you. Shit, who is it? And how the hell did you not hear them?! Now you've been caught balling your eyes out about something so stupid!
You turned your head away from the voice, sniffling slightly. "Y-yes?" You cursed yourself for stuttering, but continued to keep your back straight and face hidden.

In a matter of seconds, a familiar man in a tan trench coat was in front of you, scanning your puffy, tear stricken, face. "Y/n, what's wrong? What happened?" Castiel asked, looking at you sadly. "Nothing I'm fine.." even though you've been caught, you still try to cover your tears. You let out a dry chuckle. "Stubbed my toe, that's all." You tried to give him your best smile.
"Please be honest with me."

You let out a sigh in defeat, another tear rolling from your face. You picked up the energy drink and went to take a drink, before Castiel grabbed it Out of your hand. "Y/n, you need to stop drinking so much energy drinks. How many times do I have to say this. You need to sleep." He placed the drink on the night stand, before his crystal blue eyes looked back into your dull ones.
"But, they make me feel better. It's one of the only things.." you said sadly. Reaching out to grab it again, Cas quickly grabbed your arm and placed it back Into your lap. "What do you mean, 'only thing'?"

"Nothing, ignore me."

"Y/n, tell me. And tell me why you were crying."

"Cas, I said I'm fine."

Castiel clenched his fists, gaze hardening at you. He was so worried about you ever since the four of you started hunting again. Even Dean and Sam were worried. They noticed how you've acted weird, and barely slept. You also often skipped meals.

"I don't want lies. I want the truth. Something upset you. What was it?" He kneeled down to get a better look at your face which was pointed towards the floor. "I was cursed by the goddess. And all fucking day.. people have told me the truth of what they thing of me. Dirty thoughts. Rude insults. Not one complement. It was awful." you whispered, another warm, salty tear running down your cheek. "But maybe they were right. I'm not perfect."

"Of course your perfect, there's not a single thing I see wrong with you. Your a beautiful human." Castiel's eyes stayed on your slim figure as he tilted his head to the side. "Don't give me the, 'Your a creation of god, and everything god makes is perfect', bullshit. If everything he makes is perfect, then I must have been left out."

"Y/n, you are the best, most perfect human being I've ever seen. Your pure, beautiful, kind, and you care for everyone. And no matter how many times Sam and Dean wronged you, hell, even me once Or twice, you forgave us, gave us another chance." Cas to a deep breath as his eyes filled with passion. He and the Winchester bothers cared for you. Maybe he cared a little more for you than Sam, but Dean? He liked you just the same as he did.

"You always forgive blindly. You care about us, more than you care about yourself. And we keep hurting you,but you always come back. Your always there when we need you but we aren't there when you need us. And for that, I apologize." Castiel sighed, before placing a hand on your shoulder, pushing you so that you'd lay done. You stared at Cas confused, watching as he climbed into the bed besides you. "Cas what are you-" you were cut off as the Angel wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close to his body, your face resting on his chest.

"Y/n, you could have prayed to me, I would have taken you away from those people. If you ever need help, or feel down, pray to me. Please." He whispered to you. Nodding, you snuggled into him even more, enjoying his warmth. It was only six o'clock, and you were supposed to be hunting, but here you were snuggling into an angels chest.

"Now, get Some much needed sleep." Castiel whispered to you as he hugged you tighter. All you did was nod as you drifted off to sleep.

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