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The boys figured you be back soon, you just went to take a short walk and clear your head, right? Wrong. You haven't been back for at least 2 hours, and they began to get worried.

"We should go look." Sam looked between the other two men. "I think we should have went after her the moment she left!" Dean growled, quickly turning towards the brother who told them that they should stay. "Dean, now's not the time to fight, we have to find Y/n." The older Winchester rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "Fine."

"Let's go-" Dean turned towards Cas, to see he was no longer standing next to the motels queen sized Bed. "Right, Angel magic." He did Jazz hands to empathize 'Magic', before grabbing Baby's keys and walking out the door, Sam following closely behind. Babys engine fired up, before driving out of the small motels parking lot.

Sam and Dean drove around the town for a while, before deciding to split up. "Dean, you check that bar, I'll go over to that pet store." Dean gave Sam a weird look. "Why a pet store?" The younger brother gave a small smile, looking from the store towards Dean. "She loves animals." Dean nodded his head in understanding, remembering all the times you saved animals when you were supposed to be doing important things. Well, to you, it was important.

"Yeah, alright. Meet up here?" Sam agreed, before the brothers parted ways, Sam to a puppy store, and Dean to the bar.

The door swung open with a bell, signaling that Dean had walked in. He walked over and took a seat on the bar stool. "What can I get for you today?" Asked the man behind the bar, who was whipping of a shot glass. "Nothing, I just have a few questions." The bar mans eyebrow raised, showing Dean that he had his attention. "Have you seen a girl around 5'2, Long dirty Blonde hair, white and black flannel with baggy ripped jeans?" He chuckled, placing the glass on the counter. "Very descriptive. But what makes you think I'll tell you?"

Dean slammed money on the counter, glaring at the man. "Just fucking tell me, did you see her, or not?!" He whisper yelled, getting irritated. He wanted to find you as soon as possible. To make sure you were okay. To apologize. "You really think i'll take this? Its only 50 dollars." The bar man, 'Klaus', Scoffed. 

Dean stood up, His hands shooting towards Klaus' shirt collar. "Listen here, man. If you dont fucking tell me where she is, then i'll shove my my foot so far up your ass, you'll be shitting out your mouth." Klaus was clearly shaken up by the sudden outburst, quickly nodding, looking at deans green eyes. "You wont be needing this." Dean smirked, taking back the oeny along with one of the mans tips. Klaus was about to retort when dean shot his and icy glare, sending chils down his back.

"Hm, I did, she walked past the doors, and into that park right here." Klaus fixed his collar, before pointing at the windows. Through the glass pains showed a park, surrounded by trees. Barely anyone went there any way cause it was so dark and forest-y. Dean nodded, quickly standing up from the bar stool and pushing the doors open. He looked at the pet store, seeing Sam still at the counter, talking to the lady and the manager looking dude.

"Y/n?" He called out, stepping into the many trees and looking around. All he could see was tall trees and green bushes as far as the eye could see. "Y/n!?" He yelled louder this time, before seeing a bald patch, the trees and bushes making a complete circle surrounding a bench. And there sat The one and only Y/n.

You were trembling, it was so cold outside and all you had was thin band shirt and a small black and white flannel. Your arms were wrapped around your legs, your head resting on your knees as you looked at the small creak that split the plants from the bench. "Y/n?" You turned your head to look at Dean, who was standing just behind the pond. 

Watching as he jumped over, you turned your head forward, putting your legs down and covering your face with your hands. You were scared he would start yelling at you for walking off like that. He was probably mad.

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