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You let out a groan, your eyes slowly fluttering open. The feeling of Cas' warmth was replaced with an empty cold feeling. Your eyes had now fully adjusted, and you now realized it was around 9 pm, and you were alone. Cas had left, and Sam and Dean still weren't back. Sitting up in bed, you grabbed the now warm energy drink and chugged it, before getting out of bed, looking for something to do.

"Y/n!" Scream Dean as both him and Sam busted through the door. "Get ready, we found out who the truth goddess was!" You sighed before nodding, quickly slipping on some shoes and grabbing yet another energy drink, you followed the two men out the door, and into the back of the impala. "How long until we get there?" You asked tiredly, taking the last drinks to your newly opened drink. "Soon enough." Sam growled. Ever since Sam had risen from hell's cage, you and him have NOT got along. Before, when he was actually normal old Sam, when he was empathetic and sweet, you guys were close friends. But now? He's acting like a heartless bitch. 

You know maybe he is, in your eyes he's nothing better than a demon. Hell he stood and watched, letting both you and Dean be turned into vamps. Fucking vampires! You couldn't stand the 'Hell and back' Sam.The three of you pulled into the dirt patch near a very expensive house. Which could only be owned by miss news lady, a.k.a, Veritas. You all watched as she walked inside, turning kn the lights and walking up the towers of stairs. 

"Ready?" Asked Dean as he grabbed three knifes. "I guess.""Yup." Said Sam as he pulled out a jar of blood. "Dog blood." He unscrewed the lid, setting it on The dashboard before turning towards Dean. "Do I even want to know how you got that?" You rolled your eyes. "Probably not." Dean huffed, grabbing the first blade and handing it to you. You said a quiet thanks, looking at the blade. 

Dean continued to stare, noticing how before the war, you were all bubbly and happy. Now, your gloomy, reclusive. He was worried. He wanted the old you just like he want the old Sam back. It just wasn't the same anymore."Alright let's do this." Dean said, tearing his gaze away from you, grabbing his knife, and opening his door. You stepped out of the car, shutting the door behind you as you gripped the knife in your hand. We're you ready to fight an ancient truth telling goddess? No, no you weren't. But here you were once again being dragged into crazy shit by the winchesters. 

Dean made you walked besides him, making sure he can keep an eye on you at all times. You didn't really care. What's the point any way?A cats meow pulled you from your thoughts, a cute orange cat ran across the living room at out the side door. Dean glanced between you and Sam, before shrugging his shoulders and walking after the cat, making sure he grabbed your hand before. 

You guys chased the cat around the house filled with ancient pictures and newly lit candles. It kinda gave you the creeps. Rolling your eyes you decided to brush off that feeling, keeping your attention on the orange tabby that ran from you guys, until finally, you trapped it in a room. A room that was filled with dead body's. Some in metal tables, others hanging to dry. "What the fuck..?" You whispered to yourself, taking a few steps forward before you heard the slight jangles of metal."You came for dinner." 

Quickly turning around, you saw the news teller, dressed in ancient clothe. You had to admit, you wish you could look that pretty. But that's not the point right now.With a flick of her hand, she flung the three of you into a water drain, or in this case, blood drain. The throw was hard enough to knock you guys out, so you just laid in a pile of corpse blood.

<When you wake up>

"Sit tight," started the goddess as she looked at you guys. Your eyes slowly opened, the light burning your eyes as you turned your head dizzily. "Sam, Dean?" You whispered, your head pounding. "Y/n, are you okay?" Asked Dean as he noticed you swinging slightly. Nodding, you finally looked up at the woman dressed in gold.

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