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(Beginnings pretty boring)

The next morning, you woke up feeling well rested. For the first time in what felt like forever, you got more than 2 hours of sleep. You actually got 6 hours!

By now, you had already hopped out of bed and got ready for the morning. But the strange thing was the brothers werent here, it was just you, again. This was the second time you woke up without them here. 

"Good to see your awake." Said Cas from the corner of the room, once again startling you. You quickly jumped back, heart rate rapid as his 'Angel magic', what dean calls it, once again making you jump back out of fear. "Cas! You need to stop doing that! One of these days your going to make me have a heart attack!" You took a deep breath, before standing up straight again, letting your guard down once again. "Sorry to startle you, But, I came to inform you that the brothers went on a short salt and burn hunt. While you and me are going to go out and take your 'Day off'." 

A smile tugged at the corner of your lips as you looked at Cas. He really did, your actually going to get a day off! "What would you like to do first?" He asked. "I'm actually not sure.. I don't usually get to do things like this." You let out a nervous chuckle, rubbing the back of your neck. "Well, how about we go to the diner that's just down the street."

And now, here you were, sitting and a cute, small diner, looking at the breakfast menu. And bringing out the inner child you were back then, you decided to pick something childish. Chocolate chip pancakes and bacon. But you couldn't help it! It's so good! And you rarely get to eat stuff like this, mainly just take out and gas station food. "Cas, can angels drink?" You asked, seeing a drink you thought he might like. "Well no really, but my vessel can." He looked at you, who was hidden behind the large menu.

Gwen, your guys's waitress came over to the table. "Are you guys ready to order?" She asked looking at both Cas and you. With a polite nod and a friendly smile, your ordered your food along with the drink for Castiel. I mean, if his vessel can drink while hes possessing it, why not try and see?

A while had passed, your food had arrived, and you had Cas try the drink, and shockingly, he liked it! About an hour had passed, and you had finished your food, Cas finished his drink too, of course.

For the rest of the time, Cas had followed you around, Stopping at pet stores so you can see the puppies, walking through parks, even an arcade. The most bizarre thing was the fact you climbed up a tree just to save a stranded cat that was stuck on a collapsing branch! And by the end of the day, you were exhausted, Cas zapped both you and him back to your motel room. He brought you to your bed and handed you the remote to the TV that was in front of it. "Thank you Cas, I had fun today." You said sleepily.

Cas smiled and nodded, before turning around, about to zap away, before you grabbed his hand. "Wait! Don't leave yet, Please?" You gave him your puppy dog eyes, which Sam helped you perfect. "Okay, but you need to promise to sleep." 

With that, Cas sat on the bed besides you, as you snuggled into your pillow, quickly drifting off into a nightmare-less sleep.

The door slammed open with a loud 'bam', fortunately not loud enough to wake you from your slumber. "Cas!" Dean yelled, still not loud enough to wake you. Cas tense, worried that you'd awake with all the loud noises, he zapped both men and himself out of the motel room and into the parking lot.

"What? What can be so important that you nearly woke Y/n up from her sleep?" Cas growled, knowing that sleep was very rare for you to get. "We might have lied about the salt and burn hunt, We went to investigate Samuel."

"Why Samuel?" Asked Cas confused. Didn't they trust him? 

"We found out he was collecting alpha monsters, things like vampires, werewolves, etc." Dean started, taking a deep breath. "Turns out, hes collecting these alphas to ask about purgatory, And hes working for Crowley." Cas nodded, soaking up all of the new information. Dean jaw clenched as he readied himself for the next part. "Crowley is tricking Samuel into thinking he'll bring Mary back, and in return, the location of purgatory."

"Purgatory is almost impossible to find, plus i highly doubt these alphas will say anything, if they even know anything." 

"Cas, there is more."

Cas nodded his head, waiting for dean to Finnish talking. "Crowley doesn't just want the location, he wants Y/n, as well." Cas' heart dropped. What would Crowley need with you? "What? why?!" Castiel questioned, taking a step forward. He needed to know, and now he knew he had to keep you even more safe. "We're not sure, Maybe for his own guilty pleasure?" Dean shook his head. "This is no time to be standing here and talking about this, we must watch over her."

< When you awake >

Letting out a groan, you looked at the person who woke you up. "What do you need dean? Im tired." You rolled over, putting your face in your pillow. "Hurry up and get ready to leave, we need to go and work this new case." Dean said, throwing your packed bag beside the bed. You slowly pulled the blanket off you, the cold air hitting your skin, sending a chill up your spine. 

By the look of it, Sam and Dean were in a rush, so you pushed passed your sleepiness, and forced yourself to get ready. And soon enough, you were in the back seat of the Impala. "The least you could do is buy me a energy drink, maybe even a coffee?" You rubbed your eyes in the back seat. "Fine, fine, When we get back I'll buy you any drink you want." Dean huffed. "But right now, we need to see what's up with these people getting their hearts clawed out." You rolled your eyes, still confused about the whole thing. "Can you guys please explain to me anything about this hunt?"

"I'll Cut it short, What sounds like a werewolf is going around murdering a bunch of men." You let out a silent 'Oh', Turning to look out the window tiredly. It would be about an hour before you got into this town, so why not take a nap? And with that thought. you laid down in the back of the impala, using ones of Sam's jackets that was laying in the back as a blanket, I mean, it was big enough to be one! 

"Y/n, You can sleep later, its a short car ride." You groaned sitting back up and glaring at dean through the dash mirror. "Fine." You sighed, slipping on the huge jacket. 

The ride there was boring, you nearly fell asleep many times, but dean always made sure you would fall asleep. 

"See? Wasn't that hard?" Said dean as he watched you grab the duffel bag out of the backseat and walked to the motel room Sam had just bought. "Yeah yeah, You owe me a drink." He let out a chuckle as he pushed you forwards towards the door.

Walking in, you noticed there was only two beds, but right now, you didn't care. Walking over to the closest bed, and plopping down on it, dropping the bag near your feet just before. "Come on Y/n, We're gonna get breakfast. Don't sleep yet." Dean sighed, throwing a pillow at you. "Ugh, just leave me here." You whined, your voice muffled by the old blanket.

"Ill buy you, an extra strong coffee." With that, You shot up, grabbing a jacket. "Okay, lets go!" The older Winchester stared at you, before shaking his head slightly, a small laugh escaping his lips. Man you loved caffeine. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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