envy to love

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(Author POV)

Suga and y/n directly went to Sanam's home who was already waiting for her .

They both enter in his house . Sanam see and walk towards her
And hug her as a friend

Sanam : thank you for coming I thought you won't come

Y/n feel bit awkward cause Suga is just next to her . He close his fist in angerness

Y/n : thank you for inviting me!

He still didn't leave her . Suga can't able to control he spread him from her

Sanam : umm why are you here mr.Suga

He said getting shock , he don't notice Suga earlier

Y/n : actually, he was dropping me home so , I tell him about our meet . Sorry I didn't tell you early

Sanam : No it's okay get in .

He said showing them a way . Y/n was walking when Suga coldly walk straight hitting Sanam's shoulder.

Sanam was totally shock on his reaction. And confused too

Sanam : wait here guys !! I will make us something to eat.

Y/n : Okay !! Let me help you too.

Suga glared at y/n .she didn't mention him . And went in with Sanam .
After 5 min Suga can't control himself and went in  kitchen

They both were cooking. He stand their leaning on refrigerator watching them

Suddenly, y/n's burn her hand little not much . Sanam was totally worried and hold her hand .

Sanam : are you fine ?? Did you hurt ??

Before she could answer Suga interfere

Suga : I told you not do things that will hurt you. Show me

He shout at her and his eye fill with concern at last two words. While holding her hand .

Y/n : I am sorry ..

Suga : let me cook !!

He said while turning towards Sanam .

Sanam : but --

Y/n : it's okay Sanam you set the dishes on table .I will help him .

She said to calm down the anger of Suga

Sanam went out after sighing

Y/n : why are you so cold to him ?

Suga : so , you care for him more than me

Y/n sigh

Y/n : Umm obviously I care for him like friends and talking about you mr. Min
I don't care about devil

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