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( Y/n Pov )

Today At morning I received  a email . Tonight their is party . It is huge  All the the idols are invited. Plus their is staff  member.

When I reach office I saw BTS on my route .

Y/n : Anneyonghaseyo oppa's

I smile widely
Everyone greet me back except Suga .
Why he is so cold always.

Jin : so , are you coming to the party tonight ?

He asked me

Y/n : yes !!

I said in excitement .

Jin : oohh !!

Rm : then make sure to wear something unique

*He wink *

Y/n : sure !! Btw where are you going??

Rm : for selecting a outfit . If you want you can come with us

Y/n : umm !! I really want to but that manager will eat me alive .
So , better you guys go . Bye

They laugh

Rm : okay !!

Suga : you not need to worry.just have to start talk with him . I guarantee he himself give you a leave .

He said mocking me

Y/n : mr.min !!

I yelled they all laugh .
He ignored and leave from their .

Jimin : don't mind him !! He is cold from outside but their is warm side hidden in him

Y/n : I don't think it's hidden. he must locked up that warm side .

He smile and they all leave .

Time skip

At home

Y/n : Maria which dress should I wear ??

I asked her while spreading my clothes everywhere .

Maria : hey !! Don't you have any party wear  ??

Y/n : umm let's me see !!

I start finding a best wear from treasure of clothes.

Y/n : yes I got it

Maria : wow this is beautiful.try it fast !!

try it fast !!

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