his revenge

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(Y/n pov )

He drag me to the empty place.

John : to make your life hell ??

Y/n : what the hell you are talking about?

John : did you have short term memory lost?

Y/n : I just did that to take revenge of my friends

John : which one?

Y/n : you slut !! Never change why are you here ?

John : calm down baby !

Y/n : don't you dare to call me that ?

I said him showing my finger

John : ohh I am scared , but what if I told everyone about your relationship

He acts

Y/n : I ...I don't know which relationship you talking about?

John : how many you have ?

I raise my hands to slap him . But he hold my hand and glared at me , and then give me scary smirk

John : you know something if I tell everyone about you both . Then how trendy the topic would be

He words scaring me now , I was already afraid of something like that happens. Shit I would like to kill now on the spot

Y/n : leave my hand why are you doing this , that wasn't a big deal for you to loss one of your girlfriend.

John : you know who was she , she was a daughter of mark's the great enterprises. After knowing truth about me he make my life hell , he thrown me out from the country. I lost my great opportunity to make money

Y/n : you are just a gold digger !! The real slut

I said while the tiny drop of tear fall from my eye . It's actually because of he grip my hand so agressively cause me pain and also feared feel all over my mind .

John : save those tear for further.

He leaves my hand and left from their . I ran to the empty room of company. And start crying , suddenly, I heard door knob sound I turn back to see it was ......Suga , I just want him right now near by me

I hurriedly rush towards him and hug him tightly, I decided not to tell him about John cause he already have so much stress and tension of concert

Suga : hey !! Miss india why are you crying?? Is everything alright??

He ask in worried tone .

Y/n : hmm !

I responded and hug him more tighter he also hugs me back . He caressed my hair .
I feel comfort under his arm

Suga : why are crying??

Y/n : nothing! I just gonna miss you ..!

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