Prom Queen

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 "I can't believe you!" my date to the prom raged like a child, "You told me the Avengers were coming with you!"

I took a step back, the pair of us in the hallway outside of the gymnasium where the event was being held. The music still filtered through the thin walls and double doors.

"What...?" I clutched my wrist below where the corsage sat, the red and white roses contrasting to the blue and black dress I had on. It was more simple and heaven knows it was more modest than the many slits and pencil style dresses the other girls were wearing. The colors were bold and dark, in dedication to my parents. Black lace and ribbon accents in honor of Bucky and obviously the blue for Steve. They nearly cried when they saw Natasha's finished work.

"James... What are you talking about?" my voice wavered slightly as I felt my hand losing circulation from how tightly I was clutching it.

"The Avengers! Where are they?! You promised me that I'd get to meet them!" he shouted and I wondered how I hadn't noticed any of the red flags up until this moment.

I looked him up and down in disbelief and shock, my eyes glistening with tears of betrayal, "Is that all you wanted?"

My voice was filled with pain and barely came out above a whisper as he kicked a locker in his childish anger. The loud rattling noise made me jump although I watched the whole thing happen.

"Ugh! You're useless now! And now my prom experience is ruined!" He dragged a hand through his neatly styled hair, sabotaging it before giving me a glare that shattered my very naive shell, "Because of you."

I didn't speak a word, too shell shocked at his sudden character change. This wasn't at all the person who showed interest in me a week before. It all made sense, but I didn't want it to.

Ultimately, after another second, he stormed off back behind me to some place, more than likely to the bathroom to freshen up.

I felt hyper aware of the dropping of my stomach, and the shaking in my legs and hands. My chest tightened, and the air sucked itself from me, spurring me to find somewhere private to release what was snowballing inside me.

I couldn't cry here. I wouldn't allow it.

Running down the hall and towards the back door, bringing a gloved hand up to my flushed face, I pushed through and out into the pouring rain. The dress and heels that Tony paid for after four hours of tagging along with me and Natasha to shop after shop began getting drenched. The expensive fabric darkened and dampened as the rain disguised my tears that were now streaming down my face.

My ankles hurt from standing in the stylish but uncomfortable heels so eventually, I took a seat and held my head in my hands, not even caring as the clothing began sticking to my skin due to how damp it was.

How could I have been so stupid? I should've known with how he brought it up every day at some point, or suggested the idea to me in passing obnoxiously. It was clear he was trying to brainwash me into bringing the Avengers with me to prom.

My mascara ran down my face, the foundation Natasha had applied perfectly being washed away by the pouring rain. My hair began to curl from the dampness as the ache in my chest deepend. I clutched at it as I let my tears flow freely, knowing no one was around to witness it. Only I was wrong. A homeless man witnessed the whole thing from beyond the school boundaries, hearing my heartbroken cries of betrayal from under a tree.

"Well..." I sniffed, water dripping from the tip of my nose onto my already soaked dress, "Guess this makes me the prom queen."

I sat for an unknown amount of time, simply contemplating my mistake. How in the world I was going to break the news to everyone. I hadn't even told my parents that anyone had asked me. I had just asked them if I could go with friends. I swallowed hard, just knowing that I was going to get grounded for lying through my teeth. Better get it over with.

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