Chapter 30 Reasons and Motivations

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July 13, 2020
Chesapeake Energy Arena
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Monday Night Raw
2 Hours before showtimed

Liv was bouncing as she was getting herself riled up for whatever they have planned for tonight. Ruby was still on the way to Chesapeake Arena. Don then saw his girlfriend all bouncing about as he smirked while she was in the zone.

Liv was still bouncing but she felt a warm set of arms from behind giving her a hug. Liv melted and she knew whose arms were those.

Liv: Donny Boyfie?

Don: Uhh ... *fake coughs* it's your brother

Liv: *smirks* Don't lie Donny. It's you *giggles*

Don broke the hug and went in front of her. Liv rewarded Don's honesty by wrapping him in a loving Huggies. Liv happily grunts in his arms as she gives him a kiss on the forehead.

Liv: So what's the plan for my bad boyfie Donny?

Don: We will be out there, facing off apparently against Hawkins and Ryder. And you, Problem Child?

Liv: Hmmm...oh! We'll be pissing off Kairi and Asuka *giggles*

Don: How so?

Liv giggles then leans her head close to the side of Don's face as she licks behind his ear, getting a moan from her boyfriend. Liv slightly rubs her body against Don's then whispers her iconic line as response.

Liv: *with seduction* watch me~

Don lets go of Liv as both began to prepare for Monday Night Raw.

Monday Night Raw

Timeskip to the last minutes of Kabuki Warriors v. local competitors
Asuka kicks down the local competitor as she falls on the ground, then she tags in Kairi. Kairi ascends to the top rope as she gives a salute to the crowd before delivering the InSane Elbow

 Kairi ascends to the top rope as she gives a salute to the crowd before delivering the InSane Elbow

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Kairi covers the opponent


Mike: The winners of the match, the WWE Women's Tag Team Champions, the Kabuki Warriors!

Kairi and Asuka raise the belts as Liv strikes Kairi from behind. Liv begins to pound on Kairi's head as Asuka pulls away Liv from her tag team partner. Liv was still kicking while Asuka was ensuring separation between the Problem Child and the Pirate Princess. 

Asuka was having difficult keeping Liv off as she hits her with a German Suplex. Kairi was recovering but was using the ropes to get up. However, once up, she was met with a surprise Riott Kick from Ruby Riott as Ruby pulls away Liv from Asuka.

Asuka goes for a backfist but misses and was caught in a double STO from the Riott Squad. Liv then smirks as she finally sees Ruby and her on the same page as both began to down the Empress of Tomorrow with a 201 Facebreaker transitioned into a Riott Kick on the Empress of Tomorrow, before Liv heads to the ropes to give Asuka the ObLIVion. 

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