3 | You took my broken melody

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When I saw you
lying in that hospital
bed, my heart shattered
into a million pieces.


[[ Death bed ]]

Kazuha sat vigilantly by your
side, his presence a steadfast
anchor in the sea of uncertainty.

You lay motionless on the
hospital bed, your form
still and fragile against
the stark white sheets.

The air in the room was
heavy with the weight of
impending loss, the somber
atmosphere intensified
by the relentless downpour

Each raindrop seemed to
echo the rhythm of his
heartache, a symphony
of sorrow playing in
harmony with the steady
beep of the monitor.

The telltale signs of sleepless
nights were etched beneath
Kazuha's eyes, dark circles
and heavy bags betraying
the toll of his restless vigil.

His once vibrant smile, a
beacon of warmth and
sincerity, had faded into a
vacant stare, his gaze fixed
on a distant horizon
beyond reach.

The weight of uncertainty
and fear had transformed
him, casting shadows where
there was once light, leaving
behind only the hollow shell
of a man consumed by grief.

You had grown accustomed
to the harsh, sterile glare
of the hospital lights, their
sickly glow threatening to
induce nausea with every

In the oppressive silence of
the room, the only sound
that pierced the air was the
relentless, monotonous
beeping of the monitor, a
grim reminder of the fragile
thread that bound you
both to this world.

Together, you and Kazuha
sat in wordless communion,
your gazes fixed on an empty
horizon, lost in the depths
of your own despair.

It was a moment of quiet
defiance when you made
the decision to sit up from
your prone position,
a silent declaration of your
determination to fight
against the suffocating
weight of despair.

Kazuha, ever attentive to
your needs, noticed your
shifting form and gently
urged you to settle back
down, to find solace in the
comfort of rest.

But your obstinacy prevailed,
fueled by a stubborn resolve
to defy the helplessness
that threatened to engulf you.

With a determined glint in
your eye, you lifted your
pinky finger, a beacon of
hope amidst the despair
that surrounded you.

"Kazuha, promise me
we'll watch the fireworks
festival together?" you
inquired, your voice
wavering with effort.

Surprised by your sudden
request, Kazuha stared at
you, tears threatening to
spill from his eyes, but he
fought them back, his resolve

With a trembling hand,
he reached out, hooking
his pinky finger with yours.
"I promise," he whispered,
his voice choked with emotion.

"I'll make sure to get you
out of here," Kazuha swore,
his voice filled with

"I'll make sure we'll see it
together again," he vowed,
a glimmer of hope shining
through the darkness that
threatened to consume
you both.

Stunned by his unwavering
commitment, you couldn't
help but wear a tired smile,
a fragile mask of gratitude
for his steadfast promise.

As Kazuha noticed your
trembling hand, your pinky
intertwined with his, a
silent testament to the
physical toll that ravaged
your body with each passing
moment, a wave of
anguish washed over him.

The realization that your
body was deteriorating
before his eyes, that time
was slipping away with
merciless haste, caused the
tears in his eyes to swell
even more, a silent tribute
to the depth of his despair.

After gently releasing
his pinky from yours,
Kazuha excused himself
with a murmured apology,
the weight of his emotions
pressing heavily upon him.

Entering the restroom, he
closed the door behind him,
seeking solace in the
solitude it offered.

With a heavy heart, he leaned
against the door, closing
his eyes as he allowed
himself a moment of respite
from the crushing weight
he felt.

As Kazuha stared at his
reflection in the mirror,
the weight of his emotions
bore down on him like a
crushing wave, breaking
through the walls of his

Finally, he allowed the
tears to flow freely,
cascading down his
cheeks in silent torrents.

In that moment of
vulnerability, he began to
understand the significance
behind your seemingly odd
request to watch the
fireworks festival at that
particular time.

It wasn't just about the
festival; it was a plea for one
final moment of shared joy,
a fleeting chance to grasp
onto the fragments of
happiness that remained.

Regret flooded his heart as
he realized that he had
sensed something was amiss
when you made that request,
yet he chose to dismiss it,
to push aside the gnawing
sense of unease in favor of
fleeting comfort.

He hated himself for his
negligence, for failing to
see beyond the surface of
your words, for not cherishing
every moment with the
precious soul who lay suffering
in the hospital room
just beyond the door.

As he sobbed quietly,
making sure you won't
hear it from outside,
Kazuha's mind was
consumed by questions
that had no answers.

"Why did this have to
happen? Why must
destiny be so harsh?"
These thoughts echoed
endlessly in the confines
of his anguish-stricken
mind, offering no solace,
no respite from the
relentless ache in his heart.

In that moment of despair,
he made a solemn
promise to himself, a vow
forged from the depths
of his anguish and

He swore that he would
do anything in his power
to keep you alive, to defy
the hands of fate that
sought to tear you away
from him.

If only fate had allowed
him to keep his promise.

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