6 | A symphony

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The fireworks festival
is coming soon. If you
were here, you would've
been so excited by now,


As the day of the fireworks
festival dawned, Kazuha
found himself drawn to the
familiar spot where you both
used to watch the spectacle

Perched atop a grassy hill
with a panoramic view of the
city, it held a special significance,
a sanctuary of cherished
memories that belonged to
just the two of you.

Observing the lack of visitors,
Kazuha reflected on how this
hidden gem would one day
become a bustling tourist
destination, teeming with
laughter and joy.

But for now, it remained
a sacred space, a shrine
to your shared experiences.

Seated on the grass, Kazuha
gazed out at the city, the
moon casting a serene glow
upon the landscape.

In just a few moments, the
sky would erupt in a symphony
of colors, a tribute to the
beauty of life and the
fleetingness of moments.

He couldn't help but
wonder what your reaction
would be, if you were still
by his side. Your infectious
enthusiasm, your childlike
wonder—it was a sight to
behold, one that never failed
to bring a smile to his face.

His vision returned to
the cityscape.

At last, the thousands
of anticipated fireworks
finally lit up the sky.

Kazuha smiled.
Just as he thought,
they were still as
stunning as ever.

Kazuha closed his
eyes as he started
to envision on what
your reaction might be.

There, he saw you
admiring the fireworks
with your mouth gaping
and the lovely features
of your face gleaming.

Your eyes, like pools of
liquid moonlight, mirrored
the intricate dance of the
fireworks above, each
burst of color a reflection
of the beauty that resides
within you.

The soft glow of the
fireworks bathed your
face in a celestial light,
accentuating every delicate
feature, every curve and
contour, as if nature
herself had bestowed
upon you her ethereal grace.

As Kazuha opened his
eyes once more, a wave of
melancholy washed over him,
casting a shadow over his

It wasn't merely a figment
of his imagination; it was
a vivid recollection,
a poignant memory of the
countless times you both
had watched the fireworks

Everytime you and
Kazuha would watch
it together, Kazuha
would always be so
distracted with your
expression, that he
would miss much of
the fireworks.

You never seemed to
notice, lost in your own
world of fascination and
delight. And if you had,
Kazuha knew all too well
that you would have scolded
him for his distraction,
chiding him for missing
out on the very thing he
had come to witness.

But to him, your radiant
smile, your infectious
laughter—those were the
true fireworks, far more
captivating than any display
in the sky. And though
he may have missed a
thousand bursts of light, he
would trade them all for
just one more moment in
your presence.

He knew he needed to
move on, to let go of the
past and embrace the
future. But how could
he, when every corner
of his world was haunted
by memories of you?

Even the smallest
of things would
remind him of you,
and would reopen
his wound again.

He remembered the
day when he failed
the chance to say

If only he had the
ability to turn back

Then he would have
the chance to bid a
proper farewell.

Even after many years,
he knew that his pain
would never go away.

All he wanted was
to see you again
one last time.


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