4 | And now I hear a symphony

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I regret witnessing
you go. I regret that I
couldn't keep my
promise. I regret that
I couldn't keep our


[[ The Broken Promise ]]

With a heart pounding
with fear and urgency,
Kazuha hurriedly rushed
through the hospital corridors.

The urgency of the situation,
the unknown threat that
loomed over you,
fueled his every step.

Ignoring the startled glances
of hospital staff and the
cacophony of sounds that
surrounded him, he focused
solely on reaching you,
his mind consumed by the
image of your fragile form
lying helpless in a hospital bed.

Determination etched
into every line of his face,
his only goal to reach you,
to be by your side in your
time of need.

Kazuha's heart clenched
with every step, his
mind consumed by a
fervent prayer that it
was merely a false alarm,
and nothing bad had truly
happened to you.

For if something truly serious
had happened to you, if fate
had dealt another cruel blow,
he knew he would never
forgive himself.

The weight of his promise
would be a heavy chain
around his neck, a constant
reminder of his failure to
protect you, to keep you
safe from harm.

The thought of breaking
his own promise, of being
unable to fulfill the vow he
made in the depths of his
despair, was a burden
too heavy to bear.

He hurriedly ran in the
direction of your room's
front door when he
eventually caught
sight of the situation
unfolding before him. 

"What are you doing
here? you know you're
not allowed to be here!"
your aunt started
scolding Kazuha.

However, he paid her
no heed, his gaze fixated
on the window of your
hospital room's door.

His mind raced with worry,
his only focus on you, on
the hope that he would
catch a glimpse of your form,
a sign that you were still
fighting, still clinging to life
amidst the chaos that
threatened to engulf you.

As Kazuha stood vigil at
the door, he strained to
hear the frantic conversations
of the doctors inside,
their urgent voices mingling
with the sound of medical
equipment and the
constant beep of monitors.

"Miss (L/N), please stay
with us," one of the doctors
pleaded, their voice tinged
with desperation and

"Miss (L/N), try your best
to stay awake," another urged,
their words a fervent plea
for your cooperation in
the battle for your life.

"The doctors are doing
everything they can to treat
you, Miss (L/N)," a third
voice reassured, their tone
a fragile attempt to instill
hope amidst the chaos and
uncertainty that filled
the room.

Each word, each plea,
echoed in Kazuha's ears,
a testament to the gravity
of the situation, and a
stark reminder of the
fragility of life.

As he watched from outside
the door, Kazuha's heart
tightened with each desperate
plea from the doctors and
each feeble attempt from
your unconscious form to cling
to life.

"No, no, please don't
leave just yet," he pleaded

You noticed Kazuha's
presence outside the door,
your senses dulled by the
haze of pain and exhaustion.

With a desperate effort,
your hand reached out,
grasping onto the bed's side
rail in a futile attempt to
anchor yourself to the
world of the living.

Kazuha's attention remained
entirely focused on you, his
gaze unwavering as he stood
sentinel outside the door.

The cacophony of the
hospital faded into the
background, drowned out
by the deafening rhythm
of his own heartbeat
echoing in his ears, each
pulse a silent prayer for
your survival.

Your hold on the rail
began to slip soon after,
accompanied by the sound
of the heart monitor quickly
becoming flat, its ominous
tone echoing through the
room like a death knell.

Kazuha's eyes widened in
disbelief at the grim reality
unfolding before him.

Time seemed to slow to a
crawl as he watched
helplessly from outside the
door, his breath catching
in his throat.

The pounding in his ears
grew louder with each passing
moment, a relentless drumbeat
of despair that mirrored
the frantic rhythm of his
heart as it shattered into a
million pieces.

As if trapped in a nightmare,
Kazuha found himself frozen
in place, his body
unresponsive as the world
around him descended into

The noises around him
faded into a distant haze,
muffled and indistinct, as
time seemed to stretch
into eternity.

Even your aunt, whose
attention was previously
on Kazuha, became distracted
by the unfolding tragedy
before her, her focus shifting
to the scene playing out in
front of them.

No there must be some
kind of mistake right?
this isn't happening.'
His mind refused to accept
the reality of what was
happening, desperately
clinging to the hope that it
was all just a terrible mistake.

But what the doctor then
stated made Kazuha's entire
world to come crashing down,
"Time of death, 5:27 PM."

As the doctor's words
echoed in the air,
Kazuha's world shattered
into a million pieces.

"No, this can't be
happening," he whispered,
his voice barely audible
amidst the chaos that
surrounded him.

"You still have a promise
to fulfill, right? Surely
there's some sort of mistake."

As your aunt's grief erupted
into argument with the doctor,
Kazuha made a feeble
attempt to downplay the truth,
his heart refusing to accept
the finality of your passing.

But as reality began to sink in,
as the weight of your absence
pressed down upon him like a
suffocating blanket,
Kazuha felt the air grow
thick with despair.

Without him noticing,
tears started to flow
uncontrollably from
his eyes, his silent
sobs a testament to the
gaping hole that now
existed in his heart.

You really are gone.

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