After Gwen nearly found out

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Context: This is set after Ianto and Jack are walked in on by Gwen in Adrift (S2 EP11) and Ianto has just walked back into the Hot house where Jack was waiting for him after he had finished talking to Gwen.

Bit shorter too. Sorry


Ianto walked back into the hot house slightly breathless from his anxiety increasing at the sudden intrusion from Gwen. Muttering to himself "Did she see? God I hope she didn't see. She would have said something, right?" A thousand thoughts racing through his head all at once struggling to collect them all and focus on them. He put his head in his hands, overthinking everything that was going through his head.

He slowly felt a pair of hands be placed on his torso from behind and a head start to rest on his shoulder.

"Hey, I'm here. You're okay. Don't worry." Jacks voice was soothing to Ianto's ears and slowly made him feel better and a kiss was placed softly on Ianto's cheek.

"If she saw she would have said something. Right?" Ianto turned to Jack quickly and Jacks hands moved from his waist to his face, cupping it sweetly with his thumb outlining his jawline.

"Yes she would have asked what was wrong if she saw them Yan. Don't worry. I don't think she saw."

"But what if she did. What if she saw them and will now see me differently? God Jack if she ever sees me differently I-" Ianto's fear and anxious rant was stopped by a kiss from Jacks lips. Ianto took a deep breath after they stopped the kiss, their foreheads touching as they looked into each other's dreamy blue eyes.

"You got to calm down Yan. She didn't see it okay. We both know Gwen. If she saw a scar she would be wanting to know where it came from and especially with you she would be wanting to know if you're okay." Ianto nodded to Jack saying this. "Probably best if we just sit and talk for a little while, so you can calm down fully" Jack got out his Whiskey and poured 2 glasses and put one in front of Ianto.

"Trying to get me drunk now." Ianto joked while picking up the glass and taking a sip.

"Of course," Jack matched the tone of the joke and chuckled slightly smiling at Ianto's joke knowing he was getting his Ianto back. The Ianto who likes his stupid little jokes.

"Thanks" Ianto smiled and looked down "I just freaked because I don't know if I'm ready for her to know. Owen only found out recently and I know Gwen is my best friend, I just feel like that's why. If she doesn't support me or sees me differently I don't know how I could live with this" He gestures to his body "Being the reason I lost her" He starts stressing again and Jack saw that and stood up walking over to Ianto kissing him on the head.

"She wouldn't see you differently anyway and I wouldn't let anyone discriminate you in anyway if they found out. You have my word"

Ianto nodded and smiled up to Jack looking into his sky-blue eyes getting lost in them. "Thank you."

"For what?" He inquired

"For always just being you" Ianto finished his drink and placed the glass on the desk and got up and hugged Jack tightly, digging his face into his shoulder.

"Always" Ianto had never felt so safe but at that moment he felt the safest just hearing Jack say that one word. He knew he would be safe for the rest of his life if he was with Jack and Ianto never planned to leave.

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