Chapter 1: Vanish

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(not historically accurate)

Mysta Rias pride himself in his detective work. A natural born genius which in this case, he himself claim to be. Who could blame him? After reading numerous of Sherlock Holmes book, as a child full of curiosity, he naturally want to be like the hero of the story. Thus, growing into an adult he is now.

Don't want to brag or anything, but he is a quite famous fellow. Have a great face and his slender body, if he really want it, he can have all the man and woman in London as his harem- well maybe that was exaggerating, but you got the point.

And as he grew into a great detective he is now, walking in the difficult path wasn't as hard as when he start his job. He need to look into a dead person eyes almost everyday. Murders and assassinations wasn't uncommon.

He also wasn't as smart as he claim himself to be, he knew that deep down in his heart, but he work hard! He work really hard!

Sometimes, he only sleep for 2 hours, he need to deal with rude people and many hard time that he have to endure for this job of his. He knew the consequence that come with being a detective. Yet, seeing people smile give his heart a warm feeling. That's why he will continue his detective job, he will protect those smile.

What an ironic situation.

Mysta Rias, a famous detective, can't find a clue. You see, for this past few week, people keep disappearing without a trace. People keep vanishing in the alleyways, a place with not many people go to. Basically, a place that was hidden from others to see.

It's irritated him, really. For those innocent people to go missing, who knows what happened to them after all that?

He will need to find more evidence.

He is quick on his feet, as the rain wasn't gentle, it fogged up the London air and Mysta find it hard to breath. He poisely avoids the puddles, adjusting his cute fox-like cap that the majority has regognised as his own character.

His hair flattened under the pressure. No waterdrops is going to hit his dalicate face, no thank you. The sound of the construction works is still going as Mysta slowly jogged besides it. Apparently they're going to build a tall clock in the middle of London. Refusing to get wet from the rain, he jogged faster.

As he getting close to the crime scene, in corner of his eyes he sees a moving blob. The moving blob turned out to be a fellow of his. " Mysta! Sir, please." he gesture politely, Mysta scoffed. "stop calling me that, we're equals." John harold, another detective.

Mysta legendary status has made other sees him as a higher being which is a total nonesense, ever see a higher being shit on a random Tuesday?

No, I don't think so.

"So-sorry sir, it's out of habit." He bit his tongue when he realised. He looked apologetic enough so Mysta let it slide.

"Whatever, did you know the person who messed with the evidence record?" Mysta inform him, sliding his hand on his hip as he said dissapointedly.

John paled, scratching his head nervously. "The rookie has only one more change, I promise!" hah, how funny. "You also said that last time, anyways i don't care anymore. No more replacement for me." John frown.

"I owe him one, he really need the job."

Mysta tossed him £100

John dropped his jaw "A £100?! What is this for?!" Mysta silence him with his finger pressed to his lips, "Give this to him, while he did make mistakes that put me 100 step behind the killer, I'm not hearthless enough to ignore his indigent background."

He tilts his glass up cooly.

"Mysta..." John's eyes swell up. "hmmp, don't thank me, we have an even bigger issues right now, the murder case is one thing but there's also the disappearance case aswell."

While John eyes drip from admiration, Mysta is busy thinking about how cool he is- aswell as the case of course.

Mysta coughs into his hand "Anyway, the body." John nods as he slides the money into his pocket, happy to break the news for his buddy both bad and good.

"It's brutal, 3 hits on the head and 7 hits on the body. Possibly a hatecrime, Clumsily did. Definitely a novice." Wonderful news for Mysta and bad news for the imbecile mob. "Good, we'll wrap this up in a few days or so."

Now he got to focus on the other case, he smile in relief.

They're soaked in the heavy weather but their focus didn't falter.

But that's when he saw it.

A blond man with a build figure, wearing a white coat and a fedora. He would've let it slide off, if it's not because the man who look like he's running for his life while also holding a suspicious looking briefcase. It sparked some major suspicious in Mysta.

He has follow him.

So he picked up his pace, running quickly but silently. The only sound he could hear was the suspicious looking man briefcase that was somehow making a clicking sound. He turned into the alleyway and Mysta follows. Only for him to realise he's been backed in the corner.

"What's up?" the man said, smiling innocently not hiding the fact that he's catching breath heavily. "Who are you?" He's not playing games.

"Chillaz, I'm not doing anything wrong am I....." He look at him up and down. "Detective?"

There was a hint of danger in his eyes and Mysta purse his lips, holding up the only dangerous thing he have with him at the moment, his lighter. "Hand's up" the blond laugh condescendly.

It was dark so he couldn't see clearly what the other was holding.

But the moon pities him as it washes over them, revealing... The blond man was holding a gun.

When suddenly,


He laught and laugh, at some point slapping his knee. Mysta blinked, clearly in daze by that man action. 'Is he intoxicated?'

The man wipes his tear dramatically, still high from hilarity. Mysta had enough, today is just frustrating, nothing is going his way.

He bite his lips, almost make it bleed, "Who are you?" that cut him off, he look up pretend thinking. "My name's Luca!" he offer hand to shake but Mysta slapped it off. "You're coming with me" his voice show no nonesense, pulling Luca into a headlock.

Clearly cough off guard he screamed, "Ei! Hands off!" He tries to wiggles under his grasp although that was useless.

But all of the sudden, the ground wobbles under their struggle. And the next thing they knew, they weren't in the dark alleyway anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2022 ⏰

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