6. Reiner - Achilles

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The world around me was quiet. No noises from the humans behind the walls. I've had enough of their singing and shouting as the drunk vermin squabble. Enough of the devilish deceit those big-eyed kind women feed me, telling me it wasn't my fault to not have known. Convincing me they don't see me as a monster. As if I needed their comfort. As if I cared for their judgment. The walls demanded shadow to cover the ground of the world behind them that trembled. Maybe the walls scared it to such a degree that even the earth trembled. It was more likely that there were titans following me that their footsteps caused the vibrations. But seeing them approach me was impossible as the shadowy world suddenly bordered the world of the sun and I was blinded by its suddenly appearing brightness. I blinked and let go of the reins with one hand to rub my eyes violently. Black spots danced around in my vision, but my pace of movement remained unchanged. On pure instinct, I darted sideways and heard a loud shriek of disappointment. Something that made me think of a large thumb moved beside me. I cursed the beings trying to stop me. From the soldiers that had been at the gates to the titans now eying me, no exceptions. I buried my heels in the flesh of my horse that went faster and faster over the stones and rubble. Sand flew in all directions and impaired my already lessened vision of the world around me. My horse let out a frightful shriek as the hand came down again, but I remained emotionless. This titan shall not kill me. No titans shall kill me. I am immortal for now. Nothing could keep me from reaching my destination. Surely it must be fate that I could at least reach that place one more time. And if it were fate, then I cannot and shall not die yet. The enormous hand failed to grab me and the titan released a saddened cry. But even though fate was bringing me unscratched to the other side, I could not say fate has been kind to me. Nor that I was thankful or that I would ever be able to forgive what fate has done to me. I grimaced in pain.

Trees taller than titans appeared on the horizon. Great piles of rubble surrounded them. I could not tell what they would have been. Houses? Schools? Taverns? The plants that emerged from the piles had spread their arms around the stones in a macabre embrace and claimed the structures possessively. The leaves of the trees were barely moving. The wind was mute, and so were the birds and insects. All the world was in a solemn absolute peace and calm that mocked me and my whirlwind of thoughts, shaky breaths and heartbeats. Soon enough I re-entered a domain of shade, this time caused by the great outer walls of Shiganshina that budded from the outer wall Maria. My horse was reluctant to enter the darkness and showed significant resistance by slower its pace and frantically moving its head, making it difficult to control the animal. Usually such an animal-lover, I responded furiously to the protest. Just bring me to these walls. You don't even have to bring me back. Just to the walls this one last time. I shouted it to the horse not-knowing it could even understand.

At the foot of the wall, I dismounted and tied my horse to a tree. Using my gear I quickly made my way to the top of the wall. Having reached the top I closed my eyes to protect myself from the re-emerging sun and opened them carefully. The sun was just about to set and covered the world with gentle orange shades. I looked at the wonderful light with disgust. Why could the world not understand that I had little love for their mockery? Why not let it rain or storm and let lighting attack us all? Why not usher into the end of the world? Instead, the grace of an imminent sunset greeted me. A little breeze blew in my face and cooled my limbs which felt as if they were on fire after the intense journey. I peeked around me. A couple of hundred meters ahead I could see two figures standing on the wall.

I ran over the white surface and stopped at a safe distance. Surprisingly, the two figures hadn't heard me for they were arguing frantically with each other. I recognised their voices and a big smile involuntarily covered my face. I crept closer. "Reiner." I interrupted his talking by saying his name in a strange sort of joyous tone. The man fell silent. The muscles around his shoulder twitched a little as he released the tension of his fists and let his hands hang loosely beside his body. There was a sense of defeat in his posture. Defeat and desperation. "You" he whispered in disbelief without turning to me. "Why am I not surprised?"

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