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we stopped outside his door, both trying to collect our breath. he stared at me, still quite oblivious to what was going on. i was just focused on making sure whoever that was hadn't followed us to heeseungs house. when i had looked for a good few minutes just to be certain, i turned to heeseung and signaled him to unlock the door. as soon as we got inside, heeseung brought me to his room and sat me at his desk before staring at me,waiting for an explanation. just as i was about to speak, my phone buzzed. i ignored it at first until i saw heeseungs phone light up too. i opened my phone up to see a new message from WH

a picture. of me and heeseung running. it took me only a second to realize it must have been he guy who was following us. then another buzz. a message this time.

''now you've met H, it shouldn't take long for you to figure out the W''

heeseung dropped his phone and faced me.

''tell me what the fuck is going on, willow''

i started explaining he man in every detail i could think of, using heeseung as my comparison while he kept on looking at the photos. i told him that the person looked almost identical to him with just some minor differences. as i was explaining, it hit me.

H looked like heeseung, so W must look like willow

heeseung noticed me go quiet for a second and put his phone down.

''you ok?'' i looked up at him before starting.

''H or whatever looked like, so do you think W must look like me?''

he looked at me like i was stupid.

''it took you that long to realise that. as soon as you started describing him to me, i guessed that was it'' he shook his head at me.

''you could have at least told me''

''i thought you would have been smart enough to know that,willow''

''just shut up, i still partially saved your life. we dont know what the person would have done to us''

''probably nothing, dont they want us to save them or something. plus it was your fault you trusted someone who looked like a wack version of me. you know we have this shit going on but you still decided to trust someone who looked like a red flag. why would i ever show up if i was obviously not okay?''

he was starting to piss me off.

''ill admit i should have been more cautious, but why did you show up late, if you would have showed up on time i would have had no worries, but the face that you were 15 minutes late caused me to get anxious, of course i would have been thrilled to see you whether you were ok or not''

he just shook his head.

''willow, you put your trust in people so easily'' he lightly laughed after saying that.

i stood up. i wasnt going to sit around just to get thrown insults for making a mistake. although i didnt want to go home, at this point being around heeseung wasnt any better.

''i trusted you since i thought you wanted to help put and end to this shit, but id rather do anything else than help you. plus why are you making such a big deal out of someone that would do 'probably nothing' to us?''

'' you cant just go home literally less that an hour after something like that has happened, he could still be there'' he ignored my question.

''im not staying with someone who cant seem to keep his mouth from running. you're acting like a bitch''

he said nothing for a few seconds and it was just silent.

''ill walk you home''

''no, cause then youll have to walk home alone too. just stay here''

before he could speak again, i made my way downstairs and outside before messaging ryujin.

''im on my way home now, ill be there in a few minutes''

as soon as i sent that message, i started sprinting my way home, hoping id get home safe.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2022 ⏰

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