Stole the Badboys Heart Chpt:18

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Our bodies swayed together, in a perfect rhythmic pattern. The bass pumping beneath our feet made the energy stronger. His hands burnt fire on my hips as I grinded against him harder.

Our breathing was in synch and matched perfectly.

It's was pitch black except for the lasers that flashed over the crowd.

Awesome party.

Remind to thank whoevers it is again.

The song ended and I grabbed Logan's hand yanking him into the hallway with me. He followed urgently and when the nearest clearing came he pushed me against the wall and claimed my lips with his. I sighed in satisfaction.

He pulled back and leaned into my side.

"I'm gonna go get us some more drinks." He whispered in my ear, the music was still loud but I nodded enthusiastically. He winked and let go of me, disappearing through the crowd,

It's so packed in here. I have to get out. NOW.

I pushed and elbowed my way through sweaty drunkers and horny teenagers and found the back patio door. Once I pushed the door open a gush of fresh air filled my nostrils and I let out a deep breath.

The moon added a soft glow over the trees which made the night look so peaceful, but two chains ruined it...

Matt's house was huge, like mansion huge. He had his own bowling alley.. that's huge. There was at least 300 people here maybe more. Well, who's counting anyways this parties sick as FUQK.

I felt a two light taps in my shoulder, thinking it was Logan I turned around and smiled a seductive smile.

yeah.. it's wasnt Logan.

A boy about my age was standing there with a cocked eyebrow. He looked out of place with his long blonde hair and brown eyes but that's not what was strange. What was strange was the scar above his left eye that stretched down his cheek and ended at his lip.


"Mind if I join?" He asked. I noticed the slight accent but didn't ask.

Nodding my head slightly I turned back towards the railing over peering the woods.

Mr. whoever leaning beside me and clasped his hands on the railing.

He let out a sigh and turned his attention back towards me. His brown eyes resembled one of a warm animal. But by the looks of his scratch it says other whys.

"Names Talin." He said stretching out his arm to mine and offering a hand shake.

I smiled politely and shook his hand. It was so dry and ruff in mine.

"Amber." I smiled back and turned my view towards the woods.

"Oh Logan's, Amber." He snapped his finger and smirked.

I turned back to him and stared at form. He looked so casual and laid back.

"I guess you could say that." I shrugged but kept my focus on him.

"How'd you know." I asked genuinely curious.

He let out a raspy chuckle and raised an eyebrow.

"Well word goes around that you're his new toy." He smiled and flicked my nose.

I gaped at him and then smacked his hand away. How dare he.

"Im not a toy!" I cried and threw my hands in the air.

He watched me intently and laughed.

"Well ok then. I came to give you this by the way. Some girl wanted me to pass the message. Can't let a hot blonde down." He smirked and slipped a pink note into my hand. My grip tightened around it.

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