Episode 8.5

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I held onto jakes hand as we walked into school.
"You know, I prefer good Jake over bad Jake." I said.
"Well I'm glad." He said smiling.
"I've never ever been into bad boys, I've always liked good boys." I stated. Then I stopped. That's a lie. I've been into chaos. And I'm dating chaos- so I guess that's not true.
But chaos is Jake, and Jake is a good guy now.
"Never mind scratch that. That wasn't true." I stated.

Wyatt was standing at my locker scrolling through his phone.
"Wyatt? You're back!" I said letting go of Jakes hand.
"Y/n/n!" Wyatt said hugging me.
Jake pushed Wyatt off of me.
"Jake,it's okay." I said putting my arm around him.
"Jake?" Wyatt said looking at me.
"Yes, me and Jake got back together." I said.

Wyatts pov.
"Yes, me and Jake got back together." Y/n stated.
I felt my heart shatter.
Everything just stoped right then and there. A wave of sadness washed over me.
What happened to not dating?
I can't ever have her can I?
I walked away. And made sure no one was around. I hit the ring on my finger created a time portal. I went through it and walked home.

Y/ns pov
"um. That was strange. He never just walks away." I said.
"I don't know. Seems like he likes you." Jake said crossing his arms.
"He doesn't, he only sees me as a friend." I said.
Yeah, totally. "Sees me As a friend." I thought.
"His face said otherwise." Jake said.
"Well don't worry. I love you and only you." I stated looking at him.
"Good." He quickly kissed me then pulled away.
"Come on, let's get to class." Jake stated.
"Good idea." I said grabbing his hand once again.

Time skip after school

I flipped down onto my bed.
This is so nice.
Something about just laying down in bed after a long day is nice.

Faith bursted into my room.
"Y/n." She said crossing her arms.
"What did you do to Wyatt?" Faith said.
"Really, Because when I saw him, he looked like he had been stabbed in the back." She replied.
"Well I didn't do anything, can I sleep now?"
"You better not of. Never hurt another super." She said walking out.

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