episode 17

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(16 isn't out yet for me to watch so bare with me, okay?)

I picked up my ringing phone.
"Hello?" I said leaning on my door."
"Yeah sure, I'll see you there."
Great. Amy needs my help getting Colby's helmet back.

The three of us walked into the school.
"So, how do we find this kid anyway?" I asked.
"Follow the worlds most annoying voice." Amy said.
I laughed.
"Gather around my peeps."

"What did I tell you!" Amy said.

"Behold the underpants! What I'd figure they be more valuable."

I gaged a bit. Yuck.

"Hey milo is this a bad time, if it we don't care." I said fake smiling.
"You, the cause of all my suffering." Milo said pointing at Amy.
"Yeah that's kinda my thing." She replied.
"We need flash forms helmet back." Colby said.
"That stupid thing is what I'm talking about!" Milo yelled.
"Good, then you'll have no problem giving it back!" I said.
"I'll give it to you for 1800$."
"What?!" Amy and Colby said.
"I thought you said he was lame?" Amy asked.
"Yeah well I'm a business man and you want  it so." Milo said.

"Don't even try to steal it. My new Doberman doesn't play around." Milo said walking away.
"Well, that explains why he doesn't have any friends." I mumbled.
Amy laughed. "Good one." She said high fiving me.

Next day time skip.

Amy shut her locker as we headed over to the group of teenagers huddled together in the corner.

"Milo, why are wearing that helmet?" I asked before Amy or Colby could.

"That's cute, acting like you don't know flashform reveled himself last night." Milo said pulling out his phone.

"What???" Amy said frantically.
We took Milo's phone and watched the video Colby put out.

"Which power was your favorite? Mine is all of them!."
Colby said.
Me and Amy both looked at him.

"You're right! Flash form isn't a loser!"
Milo said.

"I'm never giving this helmet  back!" Milo said walking away.
"Colby! You idiot!" I shouted.
"I know you guys are mad but I was a dinosaur!" He  told us.

"What were you thinking making that video?" Amy yelled.
"Look you're all established villains and I'm not."
"Look I understand but now that everyone' knows flashform is amazing milo will never give us that helmet back!" Amy said.

The bell rang.
"And everyone's gone." Milo said.
"To late for you guys. Now everyone ones me and I love being loved." Milo said walking away  laughing.

"Actually flahform wants his helmet back not us." I said.
"Yeah right like to you guys know an actual supervillain or superhero."
Me and Amy looked at eachother and fake  laughed.
"Well how else do you think we got the helmet?" Amy said.
"That it just fell out of the sky? Flashform doesn't fly."
"Not yet." Colby said put his arm around  Amy.
Amy pushed his arm off and said." Yeah well if he doesn't stop talking he's gonna go flying into that wall."

"Well you clearly have an inside connection.I'll give it back to him if he comes here to this school begging for it."
"Deal. He'll be here after school." Amy said.

After a pretty bad battle between Colby and Milo, we got the helmet back. (Sorry I had to sumerize what happens next bc Disney now crashed and won't let me view the episode anymore.)

"Y/n. You didn't have to step In like that." Amy told us.
"Yeah I had it under control." Colby said.

"It's fine, if I didn't step in and turn the lights out who knew what would of happened. The last thing we need is Colby getting his face leaked. I told you guys I would take my name out for you." I said.
"We appreciate you, not sure if Amy knows what any of the words mean, so I said it for her." Colby said.
I laughed.

We walked into the maddens house.
"Y/n!" Jake said hugging me from behind and scaring me half to death.
"Don't do that!" I said.
"Sorry I just havnt seen you all day." He said.
I turned around and put my arms around his neck. I kissed him quickly as hartley frantically came down the stares.
"Guys, have you seen Declan?"
She asked.
"No, I thought he was with you." Jake said.
"He's just disappeared."

Oh gosh. I have feeling things are about to get very bad.

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