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She went delusional. Mad. White Lily was not coming back any time soon.

After years of tireless and potentially worthless battling, Dark Enchantress had snapped, punishing every cookie in her path.

She didn't kill them, no. She wanted them to play a little game before they did. A game good enough to traumatise them. Regret their lives.

And she had to do it alone. Her 'loyal' servants had left her, for good. After Dark Choco and Strawberry Crepe left the cookies of darkness, it was like a domino effect. One by one, they said their farewells, hoping for another chance of redemption.

She remembered. The day the most faithful left her side.
"Dark Enchantress... I must say something," Pomegranate had started. She never called Dark Enchantress by her real name. She already knew.

"It has come to my attention that nothing good has come by joining you. I was fixated- thinking you'd change the future. For the better. I was incorrect. I excuse myself."

Wham! Dark Enchantress hit her unconscious. She now, was going with the rest. And boy, she was going to regret she ever left her side.

Though, she had one cookie by her side.

"Affogato. Get the games ready."

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